Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3103: Confess to him (1)

999 roses A big man can barely hold it. These 1314 roses will be given by two people.

Han Qiqing was so happy in his heart that he was almost 100% sure that it was from his brother.

She asked the flower sender to set aside the flowers and signed for them.

After the flower delivery staff left, the children rushed in and surrounded Han Qiqing.

"Sister Qiqing, you are so good! There are so many handsome guys sending you so many beautiful flowers."

"It's a prince! It must be from the prince to sister Qiqing."

Some elders came together and looked at the 1,314 roses on the ground with emotion.

"Children are so romantic now. It's really better than one generation."

"Qi Qing, was this one of the five last night? Or the sixth?"

"I guess it's the sixth, Qi Qing, who would you choose?"

Han Qiqing laughed without saying a word, just facing the 1314 roses, taking pictures from various angles, and then sending it to someone.

She asked: Did you get it?

Almost immediately, Han Yuexiu replied: ah, do you like it?

Han Qiqing likes it so much that he deliberately doesn't answer him.

Han Yuexiu said: Your breakfast is delicious.

Han Qiqing was again beautiful.

I remember before that she said that she wanted to do it every day in the future, and he didn't answer at the time, and deliberately alienated her.

Hum, now want to eat her breakfast every day, right?

Han Qiqing originally wanted to say something to him, remembering that he couldn't easily forgive him, he decided to hold on.

It's his turn to chase her now, and she can't act too aggressively.

When Han Qiqing was trying to put away the phone, the phone rang.

She rejoiced and thought it was her brother.

But at first glance the electric display was Shijun.

Han Qiqing was puzzled, strange, what time is it? Shijun actually got up so early, did the sun come out to the west?

She answered the phone and said briskly, "Early, are you up, or haven't you slept yet?"

Song Shijun didn't answer her. Listening to her apparently happy mood, Shen Sheng said, "Are you free now? Meet each other."

Han Qiqing felt a little serious, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Song Shijun said, "Just meet and talk."

Han Qiqing thought about it and said, "Are you free, do you have breakfast? If you haven't, find a place to eat."

"No, I'll find a quiet place and wait for the address to be issued to you."

"Okay, see you then."

After hanging up, Han Qiqing was confused.

Shi Jun seems to have something important to tell her.

Obviously he was fine yesterday.

Did he happen after she left last night?

Han Qiqing couldn't help worrying.

Soon, she received the address that Song Shijun sent her. It was a leisure club, almost in the middle of the distance between the two.

She went upstairs to change clothes, and as soon as she came out, she met Han Yuexiu in the next room.

Han Yuexiu asked, "Are you going out?"

When Han Qiqing saw him, he could not hide a smile in his eyes.

She nodded and said, "Go out for a while, Shijun is looking for me."

Han Yuexiu said, "I'll send you."

While Han Qiqing was thinking about whether or not, his cousin's voice suddenly sounded ahead.

"Qi Qing, are you going out? Let's go together."

Han Qiqing's eyes were covered, and he changed his smile to his cousin, "Are you going out?"

My cousin said, "Well, I have an appointment."

Han Qiqing turned to Han Yuexiu and said, "Brother, don't bother you, we just let the driver deliver."

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