Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3104: Confess to him (2)

Han Yuexiu looked at her and understood her meaning.


Han Qiqing was always afraid that he couldn't hide his eyes, so he hurried down his cousin.

This is the first time. She hopes that the Spring Festival will end soon. She wants to go home.

There are too many people in the old house and many things are inconvenient.

When I went downstairs, my cousin seemed to feel that Han Qiqing's mood was not high, and asked her with concern, "What's wrong?"

Han Qiqing barely smiled, shook his head and said, "Nothing, let's go."

She first went to the restaurant to say hello to her parents and grandparents, saying that she was going out.

Grandma had just finished her breakfast and got up and took her hand.

Grandma asked, "How long are you going out?"

Han Qiqing didn't know what it was important for Song Shijun to find her. If something happened to Shijun, he was in a bad mood and she had to accompany him.

So she said uncertainly, "I don't know yet."

Grandma said, "Can you come back before dinner?"

Han Qiqing nodded and said, "I will be back before dinner."

Grandma was relieved.

Han Qiqing went out with his cousin.

In the car.

My cousin moved to Han Qiqing's side in an ambiguous way and asked with a smile, "Dating with a boyfriend?"

Han Qiqing shook his head and said, "No."

Cousin pointed to her neck and said, "If you lie, your nose will grow longer."

Han Qiqing couldn't laugh or cry, "It really isn't."

My cousin didn't believe it. "As soon as I received the flower, I took a call from someone and I was going out. I said it wasn't a date?"

Han Qiqing had to explain, "The person who gave the flowers was not the same person as the person who called. I came out to meet a friend, and the friend told me something."

Cousin raised her eyebrows. "Men?"

"..." Han Qiqing answered helplessly, "Yes."

The cousin's gossip is very heavy, and he said vaguely, "I'll come to you early in the morning, wouldn't it be to confess my heart to you?"

Han Qiqing, "..."

For a moment, she saw her former cousin from her cousin.

The cousin continued to reason, "Look, you also received flowers yesterday, and today you also received flowers. Your male friend may have seen so many people pursuing you and being jealous, and then he suddenly realized that he liked you Yes, so I struggled to sleep last night. I ca n’t wait to show you his mind early this morning. "

Han Qiqing twitched. "Cousin, aren't you studying business? Have you changed your specialty secretly and gone to screenwriter?"

The cousin has a ringed chest and a determined look.

"You wait and see, it must be what I just analyzed!"

Han Qiqing only smiled bitterly.

Although she didn't know why Shi Jun was looking for her for something, she dared to say that it was definitely not what her cousin said.

Soon, arrived at the address given by Shi Jun.

My cousin looked at Han Qiqing and got out of the car. I couldn't help asking, "Can you let me follow?"

Of course, Han Qiqing refused, "No! Didn't you make an appointment with your sister? Hurry and make an appointment!"

"Sisters, you can wait for a while. I want to know your progress. I can guarantee that I won't disturb you." Cousin raised her hand.

Han Qiqing said, "Nothing to discuss!"

Then she asked the driver to take his cousin away.

My cousin waved her with regret.

Make sure cousin is gone, Han Qiqing just entered the club.

Song Shijun has arrived, and he also packed a box.

"Why do two people need a box ..."

Han Qiqing murmured in a puzzled manner and was led to the box by the waiter.

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