Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3106: Confess to him (4)

Han Qiqing sighed and said with some complexity, "I and my brother are not biological brothers and sisters."

Song Shijun guessed this answer.

This is also the answer he most likes to hear in the last thing he wants to happen.

If not, wouldn't they be messy ...

Fortunately not.

Song Shijun was also relieved.

Han Qiqing said gravely, "However, I don't know, who was born to my brother and my brother."

Song Shijun frowned and asked, "Do you know?"

Han Qiqing nodded hesitantly.

"He seems to know ..."

Song Shijun said, "Why don't you ask him directly?"

Han Qiqing paused for a moment, her expression was very contradictory, and the tangles were written on her face.

Song Shijun answered for her.

"Because you're scared, it's you who isn't the one born, right?"

Han Qiqing nodded silently.

At this moment, the waiter knocked on the door outside, interrupting their conversation.

Song Shijun let the waiter in.

The waiter brought Han Qiqing's drink, and exited with eyesight.

The room was quiet for a while.

Han Qiqing carefully looked at Song Shijun.

Song Shijun sighed and held her.

"Why are you talking to your brother ..."

This was something he could not have imagined. It was unexpected and he couldn't believe it now.

Han Qiqing did not speak.

Because she didn't know how to explain.

Things like feelings are like this, it's hard to guess and elusive.

Song Shijun stared at her and asked, "So what is happening now? The two of you ... will you be happy?"

Han Qiqing was a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

She smiled awkwardly, which was the default.

Song Shijun frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Han Qiqing didn't dare to disturb him, so he quietly held a drink.

Song Shijun turned his gaze and looked at her.

Han Qiqing suddenly became nervous.

He asked, "What are you planning now? Anyway, to the outside world, to the people around you, you are brothers and sisters. And your parents ..."

Han Qiqing froze.

Obviously, she didn't expect that much.

For a girl, when love comes, she only cares about love, how can she consider other things.

Besides, when she first fell in love with her brother, the first heartbeat of her life left her overwhelmed, and she focused on him every day, and finally made herself go to hypnosis treatment.

Later, when hypnosis failed, she remembered her feelings for her brother and accumulated too much affection for a long time. It suddenly broke out and made her almost unbearable. After the painful period, she chose to let herself go and pursue her love.

After that, his confession was rejected, and he was sad again and again.

Until now, my brother finally acknowledged her feelings for her ...

These things are stacked on top of each other, leaving her no time to think about other things.

Now being reminded by Shi Jun so much, she realized that if she was with her brother, there were still many difficulties to be overcome before the two.

Song Shijun frowned, and put the cruelest problem in front of her.

"Let ’s not say that your parents are not against it. One more thing, your brother is now the president of the company. If his relationship with you is exposed, it will not have no impact on the company."

Han Qiqing fell into silence.

She bit her lip, her eyes shaking.

"We are not brothers and sisters ..."

She thought that would solve all problems.

However, she forgot that the world is very complicated, and it is okay to be either black or white.

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