Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3107: Is he jealous? (1)

Seeing Han Qiqing becoming so low, Song Shijun couldn't bear it.

She shouldn't bear these.

However, since she has chosen this path, these problems cannot be avoided.

Song Shijun sighed and said to her, "Okay, don't look like this, I don't look well, I will help you, okay?"

Han Qiqing looked up at him.

Song Shijun said again, "I will help you. If these problems really occur, I will help you find a way, so don't worry about it, wait for the problem to come and worry about it, and you will enjoy it now."

Seeing her so sad before, now that she finally got her wish, how can she enjoy this relationship first?

He didn't know if he shouldn't say this, after all, it was too cruel.

She just loved the person she loved, and all of a sudden she had to deal with these problems.

But he didn't want her to fall into love and dazzle her head.

At least she knew the problems to face.

So when the problem comes, you will not panic.

After eating.

The two walked out of the club together.

Song Shijun could feel Han Qiqing's absent-mindedness, knowing that she was still thinking about the words he had just said.

He poked her head and woke her, "I told you to stop thinking."

Han Qiqing looked back and looked at him with a grim expression, "How could I not want to ..."

Song Shijun said funnyly, "When you like him, why don't you think about these issues first? Then restrain your feelings."

Han Qiqing pursed his lips and said, "Emotions are not something to be restrained ..."

She did not say that she had thought about restraint, so she went to hypnosis treatment.

If Shi Jun were to know this, he would be scared, right?

It's not yet noon.

Song Shijun saw that her mood was low and proposed to find a place to play and relax her.

"Go to an amusement park or video game city?"

Han Qiqing just wants to go home now, but he doesn't want to go anywhere.

She shook her head and said, "No, I don't want to play."

Song Shijun glanced at her and said, "I don't want to play and go to play, it's to let you have things to do, put your mind down and go."

Han Qiqing muttered, "But I want to go home ..."

Song Shijun simply pulled her and went to his car.

"Just go with me, okay? You're not the kind of person who values ​​you lightly, right?"

He knew she had Han Yuexiu in her heart, and wanted to go back to see him.

Hearing this, of course, Han Qiqing can't be a person who values ​​his friends lightly.

She reluctantly responded, "Well then ... I'll play with you for a while, an hour."

Song Shijun said, "What can you do in an hour?"

Han Qiqing said, "I promised grandma that I would go back before dinner."

Song Shijun pointed at the sun in the sky and smiled, "Look, it's not even noon now, it's still early for dinner, rest assured, I promise you to go back before dinner, I'll take you home, okay?"

Han Qiqing shook his head and said, "No, your home is too far away. You send me back. If you go home again, you don't have to have dinner. I will let the driver take me home."

Song Shijun groaned and said, "Let's talk then."

He originally wanted to meet Han Yuexiu and talk to him.

Questions he can think of, Han Yuexiu can't think of it?

What did Han Yuexiu think?

After he was pulled into the car by Han Qiqing, he called the driver so that he would not have to go back to the club to pick him up and wait for her to notify.

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