Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3132: She's teasing him (2)

Han Yuexiu looked at the bright smile on her small face, and the usual indifferent black eyes also appeared a light smile.

As long as she is happy.

He said, "Do you have any questions?"

Han Qiqing's eyes rolled around.

Since he asked, how could she miss such a good opportunity.

"I think about it ..."

But at this moment, the ringtone of his cell phone interrupted her.

Han Yuexiu took out his mobile phone and glanced.

Seeing the name of the caller ID, he didn't care and cut off the call.

Han Qiqing asked in confusion, "Who?"

Han Yuexiu answered truthfully, "Li Yizhen."

Han Qiqing raised her eyebrows and asked, "What did she call you for?"

This woman is really haunted.

Before Li Yizhen left, Han Qiqing knew that she would come to harass her brother one day.

Unexpectedly, Li Yizhen was quite tolerant, and it took several days before she appeared.

Han Yuexiu said softly, "I don't know."

He had already hung up, naturally he didn't know what happened to Li Yizhen looking for him.

Although Han Qiqing wanted to know, he didn't want him to have any contact with Li Yizhen.

She bullied him, "You can't answer her phone or meet her privately. Have you heard?"

Han Yuexiu said, "Well."

Han Qiqing knew that what he had promised would be done, and his mood changed for a while.

As long as Li Yizhen is not a bird, she can't make any waves.

She looked at him all the time, Han Yuexiu guessed her mind, simply picked up the phone, and pulled Li Yizhen to the black.

Han Qiqing asked him curiously, "What's wrong?"

Han Yuexiu's tone seemed to do a very ordinary thing, and simply answered, "Darkened her."

Han Qiqing froze.

She didn't expect him to do this.

"It's not necessary ..."

Although she had the idea, she did not let him do it.

How to say, Li Yizhen is also the daughter of his teacher, it seems not good to be black.

Han Yuexiu said quietly, "It's all right."

Seeing that he really didn't care about Li Yizhen, Han Qiqing was still in his heart.

"You let her out, as long as she doesn't answer her phone."

She said generously, she was a bit pretend, and didn't really want him to do it.

However, considering that Li Yizhen's parents were his teacher, if Li Yizhen sued in private, it might cause misunderstanding between him and the teacher.

Han Yuexiu did not know if she knew what she was thinking, and did not follow suit.

Han Qiqing didn't mention it again.

However, what she didn't expect was that Li Yizhen called the phone to her side.

Although it was a strange number, Han Qiqing immediately guessed that it was Li Yizhen.

No matter if she is.

Han Qiqing slipped his finger and cut off the call.

It's better to be Li Yizhen, furious at her!

Han Qiqing laughed badly.

After drinking the drinks and eating the cake, she asked Han Yuexiu to pay for it, and took his hand, preparing to go on a date elsewhere.

She suggested, "Let's go to a movie?"

Han Yuexiu said quietly, "Go to the video game city."

After hearing that, Han Qiqing was surprised, "Do you want to go to the video game city?"

Han Yue repaired his head, "Um."

Han Qiqing felt funny and puzzled, "Why? Don't tell me, do you like to go to the video game city?"

He said, "No."

"Why then suddenly want to go to the video game city?" Han Qiqing was deeply puzzled, and he didn't look like a person who liked to go to the video game city.

Han Yuexiu just looked at her and thought for a while, "I want to catch the baby for you."

Han Qiqing froze, it seemed to understand instantly.

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