Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3133: She's teasing him (3)

She smiled openly. "You're jealous. I went to Gaming City with Shijun. Did he catch many dolls for me?"

Han Yuexiu did not answer this question.

Han Qiqing smiled and crooked his eyes into a crescent moon, and nodded, "OK, let's go to the video game city!"

They have to walk a long distance to go back to the parking place.

Han Qiqing suddenly became lazy, holding his arm and coquettishly, "You carry me, I'm a little tired."

Tired just after eating, pig?

If Shi Jun, she would talk about her like this.

But fortunately, in front of her eyes was her brother.

Sure enough, Han Qiqing got the answer that made her worry-Han Yuexiu said nothing, but crouched in front of her.

She laughed, lay on his back, and gave herself to him.

Han Yuexiu picked her up and walked back.

Han Qiqing crooked his small head comfortably on his wide shoulder, so reliable and so warm.

I really want him to keep going.



"Can you carry me all the time, carry me old?"


Han Qiqing's chest was warm.

They have just gone a long way, so going back in this way is also a long way.

Before she reached a third, she had a little pain.

"Brother, let me down, I'll go by myself."

Han Yuexiu did not respond.

Han Qiqing thought he didn't hear it and called again, "Brother, let me down."

Han Yuexiu lifted her up this time, and said quietly, "Isn't that just fine?"

Han Qiqing understood and smiled and kissed him sideways.

"But I'm afraid you're tired."

"Not tired."

"Really not tired?"


Although that is the case, the more people walk towards the main venue of the celebration, the more people will be watching. Han Qiqing will be a little embarrassed.

She deliberately made an excuse and said, "Brother, let me down, I'm a bit uncomfortable."

After hearing that, Han Yuexiu quickly put her down.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

Han Qiqing's acting skills have been greatly improved than before, covering his heart, as if really uncomfortable.

"It may be blowing too much wind."

The next second, she was surrounded by a warm breath.

He took off his coat and put her on.

He said quietly, "I seem to see a bicycle rental."

Han Qiqing was worried that he would freeze, and quickly took off his coat and asked him to put on.

"Brother, put it on."

He did not answer.

Han Qiqing had to urge, "You dress well, hurry up! I have a way."

Han Yue repaired her, then took the coat and put it on.

Han Qiqing pulled open his jacket, hid in his arms, wrapped his hands around his back, and said with a smile, "Is that all right?"

Han Yuexiu tightened her arms around her.

He asked, "Are you going to rent a bike?"

Han Qiqing looked around and didn't know where to get the rent. He shook his head and said, "No, let's just go back."

"Let me carry you."

"No, I'm going to use it."

Han Yuexiu had no problem with her and had to walk back with her.

Han Qiqing ironed his temperature, and suddenly felt that this distance was not far at all.

Although there were still some people staring at them, she hid in his coat and didn't notice the attention of others.

Walking to the main venue of the celebration was almost overcrowded.

Han Qiqing came out of his coat.

Han Yuexiu took her hand.

The two had to pass through these crowds to get to the parking lot.

Han Qiqing froze, "This person is too much, right?"

It's crowded, and it's a bit difficult to walk past.

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