Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3134: She's teasing him (4)

Han Yuexiu kept watching her, lest she be hit.

Han Qiqing couldn't help crying. "How do I feel like climbing a mountain and wading?"

Sure enough, the Chinese are all fun-loving.

Passing by a place selling marshmallows, a child's crisp sound made Han Qiqing's attention.

Isn't that ... a few radish heads at home?

It seems that adults brought them out to play.

Han Qiqing suddenly froze, and hurried to shake away Han Yuexiu's hand.

Han Yue frowned. "What's wrong?"

Han Qiqing pointed over there and whispered, "The elders in the house, they were carefully watched."

"It's all right."

Han Yuexiu didn't seem nervous, as if he didn't worry about being seen by the family at home, what excuses he needed to explain.

Han Qiqing's heart hung up, pulling him to hide.

"Let's take a detour instead of going this way."

Han Yuexiu said quietly, "So many people, they may not see us."

Although Han Qiqing thought so, she didn't know why, she just felt uneasy.

"still is……"

She wanted to pull his hand. At this moment, the little girl, one of the twins, suddenly came over here, as if she saw her and pointed at her, "Sister Qiqing!"

Han Qiqing could hear what she was shouting so far away, and she was frightened with cold sweat.

"Hurry up!"

She was panicking and pulled him into the crowd.

At this time, I don't know what caused the commotion in the crowd, and people were particularly crowded.

Accidentally, the two holding hands were separated.

Han Qiqing was pushed back as he pushed back, looking for Han Yuexiu, and worried about being discovered by the children at home.

There are so many people that she is afraid of being stomped and she can only move backwards.

She finally retired to a place with few people and planned to call Han Yuexiu again.

It's better than being spotted by a family member.

However, before she called Han Yuexiu, her cell phone rang.

I thought it was him who called him. Who knew that it seemed to be a strange number just now.

It should be Li Yizhen.

Han Qiqing regretted why she had not been hacked just now. Soon after, Li Yizhen had broadcasted nearly ten calls to her.

Is this woman crazy?

Han Qiqing didn't want to answer and cut off the phone again.

She was about to call Han Yuexiu to meet him.

At this moment, someone touched her left shoulder.

She instinctively looked to the left, and when she hit her from behind, she felt the bag on her shoulders being pulled.

Someone wants to grab her bag!

Han Qiqing responded quickly and grabbed the bag tightly.

The man suddenly let go, Han Qiqing was stunned, and the mobile phone in his hand was taken away unexpectedly.

Han Qiqing was so cold-hearted that she realized that her goal was not her bag, but her cell phone!

But that person was quickly mixed into the crowd.

Han Qiqing only shouted, "Robbery! Someone robbed me!"

The people nearby looked at her, but no one helped.

This made her anxious.

But this time my brother is not around!

Han Qiqing had a small face and was at a loss, "What to do? My phone ..."

Although she has money to buy many new mobile phones, the photos and other data on her mobile phone are gone, which makes her very depressed.

Just when she was discouraged, a dark shadow stood in front of her and shoved her phone into her hand.

Before she looked up to see who this man was, he had disappeared into the crowd.

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