Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3187: Tell the world that they are lovers (3)

Li Yizhen was impatient, but she didn't show it.

However, the tone became a little cold.

"I want to party with my friends, so I don't want to go back so early, mom, just leave me alone."

Mother Li asked, "Gathering with friends? Men, women? Do I know?"

"I don't know, I don't know, you are annoyed, I have to ask anything every time, I won't tell you, I hang up." Li Yizhen finally couldn't bear it.

Mother Li quickly stopped her, "Don't hang up, don't hang up first, something to tell you."

Li Yizhen said, "What's the matter?"

Mother Li smiled and said, "Do you remember Aunt Cheng? The Associate Professor of Chemistry met them yesterday and chatted a little. Her son is one or two years older than you, and she wants to introduce you to him."

Hearing that Li Yizhen not only frowned, her eyes were gloomy.

"I am not interested!"

Mother Li persuaded, "Did you meet someone first, and see if you are interested in seeing it? I have heard before that her son is very handsome and very capable. Now he works in a multinational company. I heard this year It is hoped that the manager will be promoted. I think the conditions are good. See you first. "

This time, Li Yizhen's tone was not so good. "I said, I'm not interested!"

Mother Li sighed, "Zhenzhen, I know you like to cultivate more, but people don't like you, so don't let go of it, don't let it go? Is there a lot of men in the world who make you pick?"

Li Yizhen said in a deep voice, "No man is as good as a finger. How good and excellent he is, I believe you know better than me."

After hearing what she said, Mother Li was very helpless, "I know, but ... he doesn't like you, there's nothing you can do, right?"

"No, there is a way." Li Yizhen shook his head and murmured, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't like me, as long as he doesn't like others, one day, I will wait."

As long as he doesn't like others, she is confident that he will one day like her.

When a person has only one option, the result is unchanged.

Mother Li could not hear her words, but felt a little worried.

"Zhenzhen, what do you mean by that?"

Li Yizhen suddenly laughed and said, "It's not interesting, I just don't want to let go easily, Mom, don't you want him to be your son-in-law? Don't you let me work harder, unmarried and unmarried, I still have to fight Power, don't you? "

"This ... but Mom doesn't want to see you sad." Mother Li hesitated.

Li Yizhen said confidently, "Mom, I believe I will succeed, you just wait, and, as I said before, don't introduce me to a blind date, I don't need it, I have identified him."

"I don't want anyone except him."

When a person falls into obsession, his expression becomes scary.


When Han Qiqing and Han Yuexiu returned to the room, it was too late.

He whispered, "Go and take a shower first."

Han Qiqing held his hand, did not want to release him, and said, "Will we ... wash it together?"

Her eyes were shining, as if she thought it was a good idea.

Han Yuexiu refused directly.

"No, you wash it yourself."

Han Qiqing pouted and chuckled, "Don't you be, afraid you can't hold it? I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

Han Yuexiu didn't say anything, just pulled her into the bathroom.

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