Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3188: Tell the world that they are lovers (4)

"Wash well."

After that, he quit and closed the door.

Han Qiqing stared depressedly at the door panel. Suddenly, I wondered what to think, and his eyes lit up again.

While she was taking a bath, Han Yuexiu called.

As soon as I hung up, I heard her calling him in the bathroom.

"Brother! Brother! Come here!"

Han Yuexiu put down his phone, walked quickly, stood at the door and asked, "What's wrong?"

The next second, the door opened and a small head came out.

Han Qiqing rolled her eyes and smiled, her eyes seduced and charming.

He whispered to her, "I invite you again, are you sure you can't come, take a bath with me? I have all the water in, let's bathe, shall we?"

Han Yuexiu's eyes hesitated.

Han Qiqing saw that he did not refuse the first time, and knew he was thinking.

She smiled, opened the door and reached for him.

"come on!"

She wore only a scarf around her.

Han Yuexiu's eyes were a little deeper, so she let herself pull in.

Han Qiqing pulled him to the bathtub, turned and stood face to face with him, and then started to unbutton his shirt.

She likes him to wear a shirt the most, so when he unbuttons, he has a different kind of taste.

All the buttons were unbuttoned, and she pulled the shirt out of his pants.

Han Yuexiu's muscular chest appeared in front of her.

Looking down, he saw the mermaid line from his abdominal muscles, and then to his strong chest.

Han Qiqing drooled and asked curiously, "Brother, you are always sitting in the office, why is your figure so good?"

She understood what she was drooling about.

Han Yuexiu said to her, "Usually, there is fitness."

Han Qiqing smiled, looked up to his eyes and said, "To show me?"

Han Yuexiu didn't speak.

Han Qiqing originally teased him and didn't care that he didn't speak, and reached out his hand and touched his chest.

The body of a man is really completely different from a woman.

His muscles are so hard ...

Thinking of this, Han Qiqing suddenly wanted to crook, and felt that he was so dirty!

Her face turned red, but she didn't stop. Her little hand touched his abdominal muscles from his chest and the mermaid line.

The girls I used to know are very fascinated by men's mermaid lines and say it's awful.

She didn't know what that meant at the time.

But now she understands.

It turned out to be this feeling.

Han Qiqing touched it wantonly for a while, then looked down with shame and landed on his 'tent'.

Is it her illusion?

It always feels like the tent is bulging a bit.

Han Qiqing remembered that he had touched it before, and that feel, his face turned red instantly.

He gave her skirts and shoes. Should she also exchange gifts?

With an idea in her heart, she summoned her courage, and her little hand hit his trousers.

He grabbed her by the hand.

Han Qiqing looked up, facing his dark eyes.

He didn't speak, just looked at her, the temperature in his eyes was a little high.

Han Qiqing said, "Don't you say you want me to adapt? Then ... Are we, every day ... hey!"

What to do, too shameful to say!

Han Yuexiu's big hand rested on her little hand, his voice asked dumbly, "Do you want?"

Han Qiqing was ashamed to death.

What did she say?

"No, isn't that what you said?"

She just wanted to hurry and follow him to the last step.

She wants to be truly owned by him.

Doesn't he want to?

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