Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3208: Will the parents object (4)

He kissed her and said, "Well, don't think about her, we'll go home when the business banquet is over."

Han Qiqing nodded, "Huh!"


The evening of a commercial banquet.

Han Qiqing originally thought that he could only see the big men in the business sector, but he did not expect to see many stars.

Tonight, she was wearing a light blue dress that her brother had chosen for her, and her skin was white and tender and cute.

Han Yuexiu, wearing a dark blue suit, looked particularly handsome and charming.

His temperament is noble and elegant, coupled with a cold atmosphere, people can notice him from a distance.

Women, in particular, can't help but bet on him.

Privately, the ladies gathered together were whispering, guessing his identity.

Han Qiqing took Han Yuexiu's hand and strode elegantly into the elegant banquet hall.

On this occasion, it stands to reason that she has been familiar since childhood, but I don't know why, she is a little nervous today.

Is it because it's all foreigners here?

It ’s not right. She used to go to fashion shows everywhere, and she also attended banquets for foreigners.

Han Qiqing stood up and pulled off Han Yuexiu's sleeve.

"Brother, what if someone asks who I am? I should say it's your sister, or ..."

Worry about what to worry about.

A blond middle-aged uncle came over, as if he knew Han Yuexiu, and greeted him with a smile.

Han Yuexiu answered politely.

The middle-aged uncle dropped his gaze on her and asked, "Is this beautiful lady?"

Han Qiqing suddenly became nervous.

Should she answer her sister better?

After all, it ’s a formal occasion. If you are a girlfriend, can you count them as announcing their feelings?

Han Yuexiu smiled and said, "This is my female companion."

Although there was no direct explanation, the middle-aged uncle seemed to have realized it.

Han Qiqing sweated nervously.

"That ... brother, you talk, I want to drink some water."

When Han Yuexiu saw a few business leaders not far away, he bowed his head and said to her, "Don't leave my sight."

Han Qiqing nodded, released his hand, and walked towards the buffet table.

In fact, she wasn't really thirsty, mainly because she was at a banquet for the first time as his companion, which made her a little overwhelmed.

She sighed relievedly as he walked towards those businessmen.

Fortunately, she didn't go together.

She is the least able to cope with people she doesn't know, and she is still of high status.

Although she was not thirsty or hungry, the buffets at the banquet were delicately made, which aroused her interest.

"Beautiful lady, may I ask your name?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

Han Qiqing understood English, but she didn't expect to call her, so she didn't respond.

"Beautiful lady? Hello?"

The last two words are spoken in poor Chinese.

This caught Han Qiqing's attention, but she didn't think of herself, and she continued to look at the little cake in front of her, thinking about which one was more delicious.

"Ha." The man behind laughed.

Only then did Han Qiqing react and turned back sharply, facing a pair of blue eyes, those sapphire eyes, set on a handsome face.

He was a handsome foreign man who smiled at her badly, and said, "For the first time, someone completely ignored my charm. Little beauty, you successfully caught my attention."

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