Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3209: My boyfriend is jealous (1)

After hearing such a line from Mary Su, Han Qiqing just felt like laughing, and the first reaction was someone who really wanted to talk.

She looked at the handsome white man in front of her, and had to admit that he was indeed very handsome, the deep white features of the white man, and those sapphire eyes were also very attractive. Such a handsome man really made many girls like.

But I'm sorry, not including her.

In the meantime, she has a heart now. Even if the most handsome person in the world is standing in front of her, she will not be moved.

Come on two ...

Sorry, she doesn't have a cold for foreigners, she prefers oriental faces.

But remembering that this is a business banquet, the other party can come here, indicating that her status is not low, so she still maintains the proper courtesy, and smiles and explains to him, "Sorry, I didn't specifically attract your attention. I just even bothered I don't know where you are. "

The handsome blue-eyed guy took a look, and covered his heart with a sad face, saying, "Dear, you have broken my heart, I am so beautiful, you haven't noticed my existence?"

Han Qiqing, "..."

Even the stars and moon in the sky aren't raised every night to notice.

She has met narcissistic people, but has never seen such a narcissistic person.

The handsome blue-eyed man watched her stare at him in a daze, immediately regained his confidence, shook his head handsomely, showed a charming smile to her, and reached out to her, "Hello, my name is George, I do n’t know what you call a beautiful lady What's the name? I think we are well connected to make friends. "

Han Qiqing didn't really want to make friends with this narcissist, but he didn't feel too bad for her. In addition, it was a business banquet, and she still had to be polite, because it was uncertain what the identity of others was.

She smiled, reached out and gave him a hand, and said, "My name is Han Qiqing. You seem to know a little Chinese, right?"

A proud face of George, "In my house, my Chinese is the best. Hello, Qiqing, your name is so beautiful."

In the second half, he spoke in Chinese, and the accent was a little ... Shandong accent?

Han Qiqing held back a smile, "That ... your Chinese is pretty good, shouldn't you be a Shandong teacher?"

This Shandong accent is too obvious.

George looked puzzled. "What does the Shandong accent mean? I don't understand. Am I speaking Shandong accent? I don't know. I followed my friend to learn Chinese. He said it was the most authentic Chinese in China."

Han Qiqing, "..."

If you have a Shandong accent, if it's authentic ...

She kept smiling and said, "Maybe you were cheated by your friend."

George shook his hand and said it was impossible, "No, he won't lie to me. He said that this is the most authentic Chinese, then it is definitely the most authentic Chinese. Beautiful lady, do you think my Chinese speaks So charming? "

Han Qiqing, "..."

Is it okay?

Seeing him so narcissistic is not easy to pierce him.

Han Qiqing could only smile awkwardly, "However, your Chinese is very good."

Speaking of Chinese, George was proud of his face. "My friend said that I have met the fastest Chinese learner. You must know that Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. I learned it in the shortest time. , My friend expressed shock. "

Han Qiqing was curious. "How much time did you spend learning?"

George raised his chin and said proudly, "Two years!"

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