Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 814: Want her to coax him (4)

Yin Shaojie didn't look at her, so he took up the cup in front of him, took a long sip, and said, "Aren't I worried about your safety? Those things happened before, and I was afraid that you might be kidnapped. "

It is one thing to install positioning in the phone, but if her phone is destroyed or lost, it will not work, so this is not considered insurance.

If he sent someone to follow her secretly, he would not be able to tell her for now, lest the girl be unwilling.

Mu Xiaoxiao thinks it's a bit unfair, "What about you? Only you know my position, I don't know yours, isn't it fair?"

As he said, his small hand spread out in front of him.

"Give me your phone, and I'll install it on your phone."

This way she would know where he was going.

Yin Shaojie smiled lightly, took out her mobile phone generously, and put it in her palm.

Mu Xiaoxiao fiddled with his mobile phone, but he didn't know how to install the positioning. He was a bit frustrated and glanced at him, "How do you do it? You get it!"

Yin Shaoxi shrugged. "This is what you want to do, of course you do it."

Mu Xiaoqi patted his chest wryly, "You don't want me to know where you are?"

"Don't I let you install and fix it? You won't do it yourself, blame me?" Yin Shaojie said it dumbfoundedly, without looking at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at his side, wondering if he was still angry with her.

Otherwise, as usual, what she wants to do, he will help her to do it, not like this.

"Then you can help me with the installation?" She let go of her attitude, only to remember that she was going to coax him.

Yin Shaoyi then gave her a sideways glance, hinting, "It depends on your performance."

Mu Xiaoxiao paused, and immediately understood what he meant.

This is for her ...

She bulged her cheeks, lowered her head, pressed her face against his face, and rubbed her face before kissing him like a pet.

"This is outside ..." she whispered in his ear.

Yin Shaoji touched her little hand and said with a smile, "I can see your sincerity, right?"

If you want to coax him, you can't just coax him. If you don't show sincerity, how can you coax him?

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured his mouth, and then simply let go, one turned around and walked in front of him, sitting directly across him.

Her little hand was holding his handsome face, and then moved closer, letting the tip of their noses touch each other.

Yin Shaojiu had a **** smile on her lips, she didn't move at all, just waiting for her to take the initiative.

Mu Xiaoxiao stayed with him, trying to kiss him.

However, at this time, Yin Shaoxu deliberately stepped back, so that she couldn't kiss.

"What are you doing?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him dissatisfied, apparently she had taken the initiative, he actually avoided it?

Yin Shaojie narrowed her eyes, and said with dissatisfaction, "That's it?"

Just kiss the mouth, this is not what he wants.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his lips. "What else do you want?"

"Mu Xiaoxiao, thank you for saying that you are a smart student, can you even apply it to your studies?" He pulled her over, clasped her thin waist with one hand, and took a warm breath in her ear On the other hand, he said in a low voice, "Why did I do this to you before? You just do it, right?"

Mu Xiaoxiao hugged his shoulder and froze.

What did he do to her ...?

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