Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 815: Want her to coax him (5)

There were flashes of shame in her mind, and her face was flushed.

"This is outside!" She patted his chest.

Although she locked the door, but waited for serving, what if the waiter had the key to open the door?

Yin Shaojie pretended to be painful, and lamented over his chest, "You don't have sincerity at all, so forget it, you come down."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him and rubbed his chest with his small hand.

"Why are you so bad ..."

Although she complained in her little mouth, her hand didn't stop. After helping him to rub, the little hand moved to the hem of his clothes and quietly got into it.

When the palm of his hand was against his well-defined abdominal muscles, the hardness of that piece made Mu Xiao jump carefully and speed up a little.

This bastard's figure is really not good.

Just thinking of the picture she saw with her own eyes, she felt inexplicably dry.

Suddenly ... I wanted to kiss his body.

Realizing what he was thinking, Mu Xiao jumped a few times with caution, only feeling hotter on his face.

Oh my god, she was really infected with evil thoughts by him!

But the more so, the more impulsive my mind is.

Her little hand touched it unconsciously, while drawing his figure in his mind, his attractive mermaid line, and his strong ...

Drool swallowed.

Yin Shaojie looked at her with amusement, and his fascination with him was very useful to him.

It seems that she has also had a passion for his figure ...

This is a very good phenomenon!

Yin Shaojie saw that she was struggling so hard, and he kindly reminded, "You can unbutton my button, it's more convenient."

And, you ca n’t just touch it, right?

Mu Xiaoxiao paused, his head was low, and he dared not raise his head to face his eyes.

But her hands unbuttoned him as he said.

One button, two buttons, three buttons ...

His strong and strong pectoral muscles appeared to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao unconsciously gathered up, only felt that his breath was full of his male breath, especially strong, making her heart beat fast.

Yin Shaoxu looked down at her, her eyes slightly deep.

If he didn't try to restrain himself, he might be eager to lower her head and ask her to kiss her quickly.

This girl is so slow!

It really hurts people.

Seeing that she still didn't move, Yin Shaoyu hurried a little dumb voice, "Hurry up."

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured his mouth, and finally put it together. The moist mouth closed against his chest, like a delicious taste, and the tip of his tongue licked his collarbone.

Yin Shaoyan's throat tightened, she rolled up and down, her eyes staring a little deeper.

He finally understood what a grinning goblin is!

Mu Xiaoxiao could feel that his body was shaking, and his strong chest muscles were also stretched, which made her feel funny.

On a whim, she left a series of water marks on his body.

He touched his waist with both hands and deliberately scratched.

Yin Shaojie was tickled and uncomfortable, her body moved, she grabbed her messy hand, and forbid her to do so.

"Seriously," he said dumbly.

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted with his nose, but the movement on the small mouth kept on, all the way down from his collarbone, to his chest muscles, and then he was about to contain ...

"Oh!" At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

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