Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 828: Know he won't betray her

He didn't want to go through her again, and made him go to her like crazy.

So when she hit him, he felt very good. At least she encountered such a sad thing and thought of asking him to explain instead of turning her head and leaving.

Mu Xiaoxiao cried and laughed at him, "I'm not stupid enough to be hopeless, it's just a photo. What can it represent?"

However, it was indeed because she believed in him and knew that he would not betray her.

After experiencing the previous events, the two became more firm in this relationship.

Yin Shaojii kissed her palm again, and at this time the green light came, he put down her hand and started the car.

Then she explained to her, "I went to the hospital to see her at noon, and she wanted to threaten me with you. Of course, I didn't eat her, so I argued with her, and then she became mentally abnormal. Holding me, I couldn't help it, so I had to appease her, so I had such a photo. "

"She threatened you with me? What threatened you?" Mu Xiaoxiao caught the point.

Yin Shao paused before he said, "This is not the point. The important thing is that I have not been threatened by her."

He glanced at her, and quickly shifted the subject, saying, "Actually, I suspect that this time she was injured was a self-directed act."

"Ah?" Mu Xiaoxiao stumbled, "How is that possible? It's clear that he's at ease ..."

Yin Shaojiu frowned. "This is a bit complicated. In short, Su Lin is not as simple as you think. I suspected her from the beginning."

So many things happened before, they all knew that there was a person behind the head, but there was no clear evidence to find that person.

He had doubts in his heart, but he didn't explain to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little bit confused, and it was not clear what was going on with these things.

"So you mean, Su Lin ... has something to do with An Anxin? In other words, if you control An Anxin, it's Su Lin ?!"

The final conclusion surprised Mu Xiaoxiao because she could never have imagined it.

How could An Xinxin be related to Su Lin?

This is incredible!

Yin Shaojie nodded his head intently. "This is just my own guess ... but I think it is very likely. However, there is no 100% evidence to prove that it is Su Lin."

All I can say is that Su Lin is too clever. All these things she did were faked by others, so there was no clue left to trace back to her. She was completely out of the way. Even if things fail or are revealed, follow her. Nothing.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "So, the person who made An Minxin transfer to Shangde is also Su Lin? What is her purpose?"

She found that she couldn't guess what Su Lin thought.

Yin Shaoxing looked at her and said Shen Sheng, "You or me."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying. "She made An Xuxin transfer to Suntech. Is it just to block my heart? It makes me unhappy? Can she take advantage of fishermen?"

Yin Shaojie didn't answer this.

He didn't understand the girl's mind, and he was still a mentally abnormal person like Su Lin. He was even less likely to understand, and certainly did not want to.

After a while, he said, "In short, don't go near Su Lin for the time being. I will send someone to watch her closely to see what she will do next. No matter what she says or does to you, don't believe it. Do you know? "

"I see." Mu Xiaoxiao answered.

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