Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 829: Why treat her like this?


After An Anxin returned to the second middle school, she had a bad life, because many people knew that she had transferred to Suntech before and became Miss Qianjin, so she went back to the second middle school again and often heard people sneer at her in secret. .

In fact, these peace of mind can be tolerated, but what saddens her most is that Wang Shiyu ignored her.

After school.

Because the last class is a physical education class, some people leave immediately after class, without returning to the classroom.

When An Anxin returned to the classroom to pack things, there were few people in the classroom.

As soon as I put things in the bag, thinking about how to solve today's supper, I heard the sound of banging at the table at the door.

An An was startled, and a sense of anxiety surged in his heart, suddenly looking up at the door.

I saw a few girls, with a bad expression, came towards her.

"Anxie Xin, yo yo, haven't you gone to Shangde to be Miss Qianjin? Why did you come back to our second middle school? How can our second middle school hold your big Buddha?"

"Don't say that, people are now running dogs and they have been beaten back to their original shape! Hahahaha!"

"Anxie Xin, can you tell us what it feels like to be a student in Suntech? Is it very cool? We also heard that when you were in Suntech, many boys turned around you? It really turned out to be Miss Qianjin Not the same, right? "

"It's a pity that we don't have such a good life. We can experience what it means to be a Miss Qianjin."

The three girls talked as they walked to An Anxin's table.

An Anxin clutched the bags tightly with both hands, and glanced at them secretly, thinking if she was not good, she should run out.

She left the position, bowing her head silently, trying to bypass them.

But how could these girls let her go.

The girl, headed by her, dragged An An's clothes directly.

"Why do I ask you a word? Answer me! Do you think that when you are a Qianqian lady for a few days, you will lose your sight?"

"This bitch, I heard that in Shangde, she still wanted to seduce Wu Shao, just rely on her? The idiot is dreaming!"

"That is, can you imagine that kind of male goddess, Shao?"

"It's upset to see her, Sister Qin, hit her!"

An Anxin suddenly pushed away the girl's hand, took two steps back with trembling, looked at them timidly, "I and I didn't provoke you ... why are you hitting me?"

"Pretend to be poor? Disgusting!" The **** the right sighed at her.

Anxie embarrassed his hands, the whole person was shaking, "I don't know you either ..."

"We see that you are upset and want to learn from you. Do you still need your consent?"

The three girls looked at each other and laughed.

"Tell you, you're a bargain, garbage! Even if we hit you, no one would look at it more!"

With that said, the **** the left also kicked her.

An An shuddered back in shock, hit the table, and nearly fell to the ground.

She shook her head in horror, tears in her eyes, "Don't hit me, don't hit me ..."

She was very upset and uncomfortable, and she didn't do anything. Why did these people treat her like this?

The headed girl robbed An Anxin's bag suddenly and threw it on the ground.

At that moment, someone came in, and when he saw this, he stopped.

Anxie noticed that someone was present, and a surge of hope raised in her heart, so she anxiously asked for help.

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