Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 837: I want to hug you

Mu Xiaoxiao knew he was teasing himself and stepped back, "You're not lost, why should I take it for you?"

Yin Shaojiao's warm breath followed him, like a shadow.

"You said you would take it for me."

"Now don't want to help you get it! Get it quickly!" Mu Xiaoxiao reached out and pushed him to keep him closer.

The room is so big, why should he talk so close?

He just teased her on purpose!

Yin Shaoxu shrugged and went into the cloakroom.

After thinking about it, Mu Xiaoxiao walked to the balcony with his mobile phone and wanted to avoid him.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Yin Shaojiu appeared behind her, reaching out to pinch her thin waist.

She said aloud, "Go and take a shower."

"I want to hug you," Yin Shaoyin said in her low voice, her voice was magnetic, like the best piano, almost intoxicating.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't move, let him hold.

After a minute, she said, "Is that enough?"

She looked at the phone and was still thinking about making a call, but it was inconvenient for him to stick her to her like this.

"What's the anxiety, it's still early, and the bath is fast." But romantic time is not often.

Mu Xiaoxiao said funnyly, "Who said it was late?"

"I mean, if we take a bath together. Because it takes less time for one person to wash, but for two people, it will take a lot more time." Yin Shaojie said these words seriously, and kissed her Cheeks.

Mu Xiaoxiao hit him with his elbow.

"You are going to take a shower. I will call Xiao Meng to see where she is now."

"She's with Sir Alex, and nothing will happen."

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "I'm not very relieved even with him, I always feel that I have put the little sheep next to the wolf."

Yin Shaojiao's hands tightened a little, and a **** voice asked in her ear, "Really ... don't wash it together?"

"No! Yes!" Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and refused.

Yin Shaojiu pretended to be sorry, and then suddenly picked her up.

"Wash together!"

"Don't don't! Put me down!" Mu Xiaoxiao struggled, and the two were playing together again.

In fact, if Yin Shaozhen really wants to be tough, she is already in the bathroom now.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao's cell phone rang.

"Mobile phone! Mobile phone!" Mu Xiaoxiao shouted, looking at the mobile phone dropped on the carpet.

Yin Shaojie had no choice but to let go of her.

Mu Xiaoxiao went over and took the mobile phone. At first glance, it was Qiqing.

"It was from Qiqing." She took the initiative to report and waved to him, "Hurry up and take a shower!"

Then she answered the phone and went to the sofa to sit down and ignore him.

Yin Shao looked at her with awkwardness, and she wanted to play again for a while, this Han Qiqing, it was really time to call!

He picked up the clothes on the chair and walked out of the room.

Over there, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him and talked to Han Qiqing on the phone.

"Little, I heard Shi Jun say, Su Lin really has a mental illness?"

Mu Xiaoxiao held a pillow, leaned on the back of the sofa, holding the mobile phone in his hand, and nodded in a somewhat complex expression, and said, "Well, it's true, it's because I asked someone to check what she went to the United States before. She went there to treat mental illness. "

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