Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 838: They were together

Han Qiqing said with a sneer, "I did not expect that she would have this disease ... she usually looks normal, but I seem to have a bit of an impression. Before she went to the United States, it was a weird time."

"Huh? What's weird?" Mu Xiaoxiao was curious.

Did something happen to Su Lin?

After all, a good person, without an omen when he was young, how can he become mentally deranged.

In fact, she still couldn't believe it. The mental illness was originally thought to be a storyline only on TV and in novels. I didn't expect to have it around me, so I always felt a bit unreal.

Although mental illness is not a fatal disease, it is generally not completely cured. Even if the patient's condition is stable, it may recur at any time in the future. This is the most troublesome point.

Han Qiqing seemed to be remembering, and said after a while, "How to say ... Actually, I didn't have much contact with her during that time. I just saw her a few times and thought that she was a little strange, but because I talked to her She's not familiar, so she doesn't care much. "

"Did she go to class before that? Did you see her every day?"

"No, it seems that she often didn't come to school during that time. When I saw her, she wasn't at school, she met outside, right! During her time, she had some bodyguards around her, as if she was protecting her. She's the same. "

"Bodyguard? Isn't she ... kidnapped?" Mu Xiaoxiao guessed, the first thought of this possibility.

Han Qiqing said, "I don't know about this, I haven't heard anything about this."

According to their relationship with the world, if Su Lin was really abducted, they should all receive the news.

"Actually, I think ..." Han Qiqing fell asleep, and said with a little embarrassment, "Is Su Lin's condition related to Yin Shaoji?"

Mu Xiaoxiao paused and remembered the call from Su Bobo.

Is Su Lin's condition really related to Yin Shaojie? That's why Su Bobo called to find Shao Yin.

Otherwise, juniors like them rarely interact with their elders, and say hello when they meet.

If it wasn't for Su Lin, how could Uncle Su find Yin Shaoxing himself?

Han Qiqing analyzed, "You think, Su Lin's circle of friends is all about Yin Shaoyu. It seems that she is really very kind to Yin Shaoyu ..."

She hesitated, not knowing whether to use infatuation or infatuation.

But no matter which word it is, it is estimated that Xiaoxiao will not be happy when he hears it, so he chose not to say it.

Han Qiqing continued, "And did you notice it? The WeChat she added to you, the circle of friends she sent were all from her period in the United States, that is to say, those she sent under mental disorders. thing."

"So you peeked at my cell phone just to look at these." The atmosphere was a bit heavy, and Mu Xiaoxiao shifted the subject.

"Actually because ..." Han Qiqing paused for a while before finally saying, "It should be okay to tell you now. Originally, I was doubtful whether Yin Shaozhen had been with her, but now it seems that she There is a mental illness, so those things written in her circle of friends can't be believed, it must have been her when she got sick. "

Mu Xiaoxiao stunned over there, "What are you talking about? The two of them ... have been together?"

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