Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 850: Still makes her so emotional

At this time, among the onlookers, a girl noticed Mu Xiaoxiao's body, covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Would the little fur ball on her bag belong to that brand? Oh my god! This little It ’s a valuable thing! It ’s nearly a million hairballs! Not ordinary people can afford it. ”

Someone was surprised, "Really fake? Just a small hair ball hanging on the bag? Want so much money?"

Another fashionable woman looks like she understands these things, she said, "This little sister is a famous brand all over the body, and it is an international brand. Price, you dare not imagine. "

The onlookers were suddenly upset, all eyes fell on Mu Xiaoxiao, staring at her clothes, as if to see through the brand under the clothes.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying, he felt like he had become a zoo monkey.

The middle-aged man stunned facelessly, "I was a famous brand at a young age, and I don't think you are a good thing! Bacheng is being ... hum!"

After saying the latter sentence, he also glanced at Yin Shao, who was next to Mu Xiao, and the implication was obvious.

But bystanders all have eyes, and they can see that Mu Xiaoxiao's noble temperament should be a lady of a thousand dollars, so she sneered at the vicious words of middle-aged men.

"Little girl, tell him! We support you!" Someone said to An Anxin.

"Yes! Such a shameless person who extorts a little girl like this must call the police!"

"Be sure to call the police! Don't be afraid, little girl. So many of us are on your side and won't let him bully you."

The middle-aged man was unsatisfied, his expression was a little embarrassed, and he stuttered. "Even if I wasn't a famous brand, then she stained my clothes and lost money!"

This sentence immediately aroused scolding from others.

"Want to save money? I see, Bacheng was deliberately hitting a little girl, just to save money!"

"I think so, and he didn't dare to call the police because he was guilty of a thief. Otherwise, he would just call the police and let the police handle it."

The middle-aged man was finally untenable, and looked at An Xin angrily and said, "It's your luck! I don't care anymore! Come on!"

After speaking, he quickly pushed away the crowd and fled.

The onlookers cheered, and many others applauded Mu Xiao.

"Little girl, you are amazing!"

"Good job!"

Mu Xiaoxiao thanked them, then looked at An Anxin and asked, "Are you hurt?"

Although the matter was resolved and the crowd gradually dispersed, some kind-hearted people came over and gave An Anxin a wet tissue to clean the dirt on her face and body, and some people even wanted to give her jacket to An An Heart so that she can wear it.

An Xinxin refused the clothes, grateful with tears in his eyes, "Thank you, thank you all."

"You should thank this little girl for her courage to help you."

On hearing that, An An wiped his eyes, looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, and said with an unnatural expression, "Thank you ... I'm fine, I'm not injured."

"Just not hurt." Mu Xiaoxiao nodded.

An Anxin's eyes unconsciously glanced at Yin Shaojie beside her.

This man is still handsome and exciting.

In particular, he has just protected Mu Mu's stance, which really makes people envy him.

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