Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 851: Cannot be addicted

However, An Anxin just looked at it for two seconds, and quickly turned his eyes back, afraid to look any further.

She knew that she could no longer be obsessed with Yin Shaoxing.

She and he are not from the world. The accidental encounter is only an accident. If she let herself indulge again, she would only be hurt.

At this moment, An An's heart was sober, and he was no longer obsessed as before.

At this time, Mu Xiaoxiao thought of asking, "Yes, you just said that your classmate was arrested. You want to call the police. What happened?"

Originally, she didn't want to worry about An Anxin's affairs, but when she saw An Anxin's attitude, she didn't look like such a bad girl, and she wanted to call the police, maybe something was a matter of life and death.

Was reminded by Mu Xiaoxiao, An Anxin only remembered this, the whole person became panic and panic.

"No, I'm going to call the police!"

Subconsciously, she did not dare to disturb Yin Shaojiu and Mu Xiaoxiao, so she didn't ask them for help, she just wanted to call the police.

An An's heart was about to leave, but her legs and feet were trembling, and she almost fell.

Fortunately, Mu Xiaoxiao helped her in time.

An Anxin only realized that because of the recent incident, she was scared and her feet had softened, so her legs and feet had not recovered yet.

"Tell me about it, see you are so anxious, what happened?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked.

He looked at her anxiously, her eyes turned red, and finally choked and said, "I and Shiyu ... just kidnapped."

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, thinking he heard it wrong, "kidnapping?"

In her impression, it seems that An Anxin and her classmate Wang Shiyu are not from rich families? Even Xiaofu couldn't even be described. How could he be kidnapped?

"They forced me to redeem Shiyu for 100,000 yuan ... otherwise they would sell Shiyu as a chicken, and then they would catch me ..." said An Anxin with tears in her heart.

When she was bullied by several girls at school, Wang Shiyu ignored her, which made her sad.

But for her always, Wang Shiyu was her only good friend, so when Wang Shiyu approached her and apologized to her, saying that she was too scared, so she didn't dare to help her, and Anxie forgave her.

The two were happily walking hand in hand at the night market as before.

Who would have thought that Wang Shiyu said that he wanted to go to the newly opened bar next to them, and after they got in, they were spotted, then they were tricked into the box by two boys, and they were tied up.

After listening to what she said, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Yin Shaoxing and asked what he meant.

Of course, she would not easily believe An Anxin's words. After all, An Anxin has a previous record, and no one knows whether this is a strategy.

Yin Shaojie's hand stretched over and took her hand.

An An looked at their hands holding each other in peace, her eyes darkened, and she drew her nose and said, "I don't want to affect you. I'll call the police myself."

She couldn't take out as much as 100,000 yuan, so there was really nothing she could do except to report the alarm.


She remembered those men threatening her and saying that if she went to the police, she would kill Wang Shiyu, and she would wait to collect the dead body.

So in fact An Anxin's heart is also struggling. She doesn't know if she should call the police.

But what can she do besides reporting the alarm?

An An's eyes were dull, and he stared blankly into the ground.

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