Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 862: Be teased

How dare they refuse, they only complained and looked at each other, then nodded and said, "All right ..."

At this moment, someone shouted in the distance, "The car is coming!"

It looks like this is over.

Yin Shaojiu and Mu Xiaoxiao also looked at them in the same direction, and saw very quickly, a dark light at the intersection of the mountain, a beam of light shook out, and then flew like an arrow off the string.

Another group of people screamed and rushed up, "Win! Sure enough, it's still awesome!"

The Lamborghini staggered across the finish line, but instead of slowing down, it drifted in place not far away, making a harsh screeching noise.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned uncomfortably, covering her ears and dissatisfied, "So noisy! Why is this person like this?"

But those people don't think so, but they sip excitedly, shouting two less.

Yin Shaoxing looked at a person, and the person explained, "Erhao is the kid from Dongcheng. He seems to be the second son of his family, so he is called Eryou."

Apparently, those who helped him sip were his friends.

It took less than a while for the second car to appear and hurriedly crossed the finish line.

The car parked next to Yin Shaojie, and the driver in the driver's seat came down, his face full of anger, and he didn't know when he hit the ground in his hands.

"This boy is so disgusting! I really want to strangle him!"

The wealthy children went around to comfort him.

"I've told you before, this kid is such a disgusting person, let you pay attention, who made you still overtake him?"

"In shameless words, it's not as good as people!"

"I said, it's better to lose some distance than to be teased like a mouse."

"Otherwise, let's find some people and beat him up? I'm so angry! Look, what's the boy's arrogance? That face, I really want to punch it! Damn!"

The more they said, the more angry they became, and a little bit of suffocation in their eyes.

At this time, a group of people came over here.

"You are Yin Shaojie?" A arrogant voice sounded.

Yin Shaojiu turned to look at it.

There was a handsome young man in the crowd. The young man's face was full of arrogance and treacherousness, and his eyes were slightly raised. Some looked down on people, glanced at the wealthy children, and set his sight on Yin Shao's body.

After confronting Yin Shaojie's eyes, the boy put his lips on his lips, his attitude was less contemptuous, and he was a little more excited.

"It seems they are right, you are qualified to be my opponent!"

The teenager's smile was very sunny, and the newborn calves were not afraid of the pride of the tiger in his eyes. He reached out to Yin Shaoyu and said, "My name is Feng Tianqi, and everyone calls me the second young man. I am from Dongcheng. You should know this. Right? I heard that you are the most powerful person in Qiuyang Mountain? "

Yin Shaojiu put his hands in his pockets, and the eagle's eyes looked at his hands with a radian.

It took a few seconds before he reached out and shook hands with each other.

Feng Tianqi knew that he was giving himself away, but he didn't mind. He smiled and said, "I really want to compare with you, but unfortunately I've been through three games and I'm a bit tired."

"Oh?" Yin Shaoyan raised an eyebrow.

However, it is true that the opponent has played three games, and if he then compares with him, even if he wins, it is not so glorious.

"Exactly, my brother said he wanted to compare with you, he is not worse than me, so you shouldn't mind, right?" Feng Tianqi said, pointing to a BMW parked next to him.

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