Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 863: Is dead or alive (1)

Because of his words, everyone's eyes followed his hand and looked over there.

His brother? Who will it be Is he as powerful as him? Is n’t that so arrogant?

This is the question of others.

Yin Shao looked over, in the dim night, only the lights of the headlights.

No one can see the people in the car.

However, he felt a faint glance.

The car came over, the door opened, and a handsome figure stepped out. He looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a smile, "It's a coincidence that we met again."

"Feng Shengyang ?!" Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised, how could it be him?

Yin Shaojie wasn't so surprised, just raised her eyebrows.

Feng Tianqi walked over, stood beside Feng Shengyang, patted his shoulder and said, "Brother, you can't lose if you wait, you lose my face if you lose."

Feng Shengyang glanced down and glanced at him. Feng Tianqi seemed to be a little afraid of his brother. He touched his nose and didn't say that again.

Aside for a second, the girl screamed in the crowd.

"Ah-it's Feng Shengyang! It's Feng Shengyang!"

"Oh my god! It's my little wind, so handsome and handsome! It's handsome!"

The girls were almost in a commotion, and all of them were obsessed with seeing Aidou, and even wanted to squeeze in to find Feng Shengyang to sign.

In contrast, the girls around Feng Tianqi clearly knew that Feng Shengyang was Feng Tianqi's brother, and did not show a surprised expression, but just looked at Feng Shengyang's eyes with love.

They glanced at the other girls scornfully, "Can you be quiet? Noisy! Brother Saint Young doesn't like being noisy."

A hot figure was next to Feng Shengyang and wanted to pull his arm.

Who knows, Wind Saint Young pulled her hand and motioned her not to touch herself.

The beauty was sad, but did not dare to make him angry, so she stepped back and stood behind him, as if she could stand at the place closest to him, she would be satisfied.

Feng Tianqi raised her eyebrows, and smiled a little arrogantly and said to Yin Shaoji, "How? Or do you want to compare with me?"

Yin Shaojie didn't look at him, his gaze fell on Feng Shengyang's body.

This answer is already obvious.

Feng Shengyang laughed, "It seems that we do have a destiny, and said in the morning to compare with you, there is a chance so soon."

"Are fate like this accurate?" Yin Shaoji said with a bit of sarcasm, black eyes seemed to see through the other's plot.

Fate is called fate without arrangement. If someone calculates it, how can it be called fate.

I heard that they were better than Mu Xiaoxiao, but he was relieved.

Feng Tianqi is really like a lunatic, she is a little worried about whether Yin Shaoxu will be in trouble.

If Feng Shengyang was, he should be normal.

However, after a long time, when Mu Xiaoxiao had a thorough understanding of Feng Shengyang's true character, she knew how naive she was at this time!

Feng Shengyang is normal?


None of them is normal!

Yes, just like their last names, the wind is all crazy!

Mu Xiaoxiao tugged Yin Shaojiong's clothes and put it in his ear and said, "Hurry up with him, it's too late, and we're going home after that."

"Um." Yin Shaoyun nodded, and his black eyes squinted at Feng Shengyang.

Then he yanked the corner of his mouth, and suddenly sighed at Mu Xiao's ear.

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