Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 866: Is dead or alive (4)

"I said that you were very noisy, and I didn't know you. Why would I tell you my name?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't like him so much, so he didn't speak very politely.

She didn't like it when she thought that when they nearly hit the car before they went up the mountain.

The man thought that Feng Tianqi would be angry, and was trying to stop him, lest he hurt Mu Xiaoxiao.

But when Feng Tianqi suddenly smiled, "Aren't you nonsense? I just don't know, so I want to know your name, don't you say ... your name is hard to hear, so dare not tell me?"

In the latter sentence, there is a little bit of excitement.

Mu Xiaoxiao wouldn't be fooled by him, his arms around his chest around him.

She also laughed, and the devil flashed in her bent eyes, "I just didn't want to tell you, did you bit me? Did you forget? We are the enemy! Why should I cooperate with the enemy?"

Feng Tianqi bit her teeth and said to her deliberately, "I really want to bite you, will you let me bite?"

Looking at it from such a close range, she found that her skin was so delicate and ****, which made people really want to go for a kiss and a bite.

"Why do you bite? I'm not stupid!" Mu Xiaoxiao gave a ‘Are you a fool’?

Feng Tianqi thought it was interesting to fight with her, so she didn't plan to leave.

"You don't look as smart as you do."

"You don't look smart like you look! You look like a wayward guy."

The person next to me looked anxious. Why did the two talk more and more? Feng Tianqi still looks like she is not here.

"Well ... should we be concerned about the game?" He interrupted the conversation between them.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused before realizing that Feng Tianqi was holding his nose and leaving.

How can we talk to the enemy?

She turned her eyes away, no longer dealing with Feng Tianqi, but asked the person, "Who is ahead now?"

Feng Tianqi touched her shoulder with her hand. "What's the anxiety? It's just now. It doesn't matter who is ahead. The most important thing is the result."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked like he was abandoning something dirty and took a step to the side.

She stared at him and said, "You don't want this hand, do you?

If you let Yin Shaoji know that he touched her, he will wait and see if he can hang this hand!

Feng Tianqi also wanted to say how no one dared to treat him, but looking at her serious face, and thinking of Yin Shao's deterrent eyes when she looked at him, she knew that she wasn't talking big.

"It doesn't matter if you touch it," he said silently.

Mu Xiaoxiao said disgustedly, "I don't like other men to touch me! Try again."

Feng Tianqi was unconvinced, "Try it!"

Then he reached out and tried to touch her again.

Mu Xiaoxiao is of course hiding, how could anyone make her want to touch her.

She hid behind the man, she just didn't let Feng Tianqi touch herself, "You're neurotic! Why touch me!"

"It was you who said it. Let me try it. It won't be a piece of meat if you touch it. Don't hide if you have the ability. Come out!"

"The fool just came out!" Mu Xiaoxiao tongue out at him playfully.

"You are a fool!"

"You are! You are a fool!"

The wealthy children who were treated as shields looked at them both with smirk, didn't they say that you were enemies?

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