Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 867: Is dead or alive (5)

How do they feel like they are two naive children?

At this moment, he beckoned someone to come over and asked, "How is the situation now?"

The man had a walkie-talkie in his hand, and Huihui reported, "Just recently, Xiao Shao was a little bit ahead and then caught up. Now it seems that two cars are side by side, and no one is ahead."

As soon as he heard this, Feng Tianqi snorted, pretending to shake his head and said, "It seems my brother is not good! He didn't shake the person away."

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his chin naturally and said to him proudly, "Of course, our family's uncle is even stronger! He just didn't do his best now, and he will definitely throw away your brother far behind!"

Feng Tianqi, of course, could not think that his brother would lose, just just habitually voicing, who knows she took it seriously.

He glared at her and said, "The winner must be my brother!"

Mu Xiaoxiao tongued out to him, "You dream! It's definitely our side to win!"

The person next to it, "..."

People who do n’t know, thought they came to kindergarten?

Just then, the intercom rustled, and someone's voice came intermittently.

"Oh no!"

Mu Xiaoxiao and others stopped, and for a moment did not hear what the other party said.

The rich boy brought the walkie-talkie and asked the people over there, "What's wrong? What's going on? Is anyone overtaking?"

The walkie-talkie rang again, and then someone was breathing heavily.

"There was an accident! There was an accident with the car!" The man on the intercom shouted in panic.

This time, everyone heard clearly.

Mu Xiaoxiao and Feng Tianqi rushed at almost the same time to grab the walkie-talkie.

The rich children were calm, and quickly asked, "What happened, you say!"

At the same time, he was asked to call there, and the intercom signal was not good at this time, it was really anxious.

The call was connected over there.

The person on the opposite side of the phone reported in a panic voice, "The two cars just passed the intersection of C4, and suddenly, a child came out suddenly. In order to avoid the child, he hit the steering wheel and then bumped into another car. Both cars broke the railing at the same time and fell off ... "

He heard that Mu Xiaoxiao just felt that his body's blood seemed to flow backwards, and his fingertips began to cold.

"Fall? What do you mean by falling?" She reached out and grabbed the phone, yelling at the people over there.

"How are people now? Are you all right?"

"No, I don't know ... It's dark below, if it's a cliff ... maybe someone ..." The man was afraid to say more.

Mu Xiaomin's brain hummed, and the entire scalp was numb.

"No ... no ..."

Feng Tianqi was also unbelievable, he hurried to his sports car.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at his figure and ran forward.

"Can you take me over?" She grabbed his hand, her little hand trembling.

Feng Tianqi looked at her and found that her little face was already full of tears, which made him impossible to refuse.

"Get on the bus!" He was also worried about his brother's condition now.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't even have the thought of saying thank you, so he hurried to the co-pilot and pulled the door to get in.

Before the others had reacted to what had happened, Feng Tianqi's sports car was gone.

"I heard something happened!"

"What happened? Isn't it a crash?"

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