Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 879: She is Mu Family (7)

Feng Shengyang didn't want to listen to this, and didn't know why he was upset.

"Well, can you shut up? I have a concussion now and need a quiet rest environment. You should finish eating and leaving."

Feng Tianqi was not interested in eating, and put the rest in a bag and threw it into a trash can.

He went to the bathroom to wash his hands, then came out and asked, "Brother, you must know her name, can you tell me?"

"How? You're interested in her?" Feng Shengyang raised an eyebrow.

You know, his younger brother, but from an early age, he was not interested in girls, and also found girls troublesome.

Of course, the most important point is that Mu Xiaoxiao is his goal, how can he get his brother interested.

Feng Tianqi laughed. "I just think it seems to be a good friend with her. She is very funny and feels very moral."

He usually likes to make friends, especially those he can see. This has to be said, it really coincides with Mu Xiaoxiao.

Feng Shengyang put his hands behind his head, as if thinking about whether to tell him.

After a while, he said, "She's Mu Xiaoxiao."

But he would not say about Mu Xiaoxiao's true identity.

Because if it were said, Feng Tianqi would only be more interested in Mu Xiao.

"Mu Xiaoxiao ..." Feng Tianqi said the name in his mouth, and his handsome face was full of smiles. "This name is very cute and it is very suitable for her! Then is she also a Miss Qianjin? I see her temperament It ’s not like an ordinary girl, and Yin Shao's attitude towards her is very intimate. "

"Yeah." Feng Shengyang simply answered.

He didn't know what he thought of, and his mouth caught up.

He thought to himself, if you let your silly kid know her true identity, that is the legendary Mu family. I suppose you would be shocked to death?

Speaking of which, he knew Mu Xiao's identity, thanks to Su Lin.

After all, very few people have contacted the Mu family, and some even feel that the Mu family that has been passed down to its gods does not exist at all? Or it has been declining for a long time, otherwise, how could there be a large family so low-key in this world?

In the eyes of some people who love vanity, they will never understand why anyone likes to be low-key.

Feng Shengyang learned about Mu family from his family's mouth a long time ago, and his father is also one of the few people who have contacted Mu family. Although he is not familiar with each other, the fate of these faces allows him The father could not stop the Mu family.

So when Feng Shengyang knew that Mu Xiaoxiao was the Mu family, there was an inexplicable excitement in his blood.

As if the person he had been waiting for finally appeared.

"Which one is she?" Feng Tianqi wanted to ask more.

But Feng Shengyang didn't want to talk to him, he said impatiently, "Hurry up after you eat, or do you want to stay here with me?"

Fengtian Qi suddenly left from the chair, "I don't want to stay in the hospital!"

He particularly hated the smell of the hospital, and letting him stay with him was a torture to him.

"Brother, the doctor also said that you are not very serious, so don't need me to accompany you, right? It's late, I'm sleepy, I'm going home, worship! See you tomorrow!"

Feng Tianqi finished this sentence quickly, then left her ward quickly with grease on her feet.

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