Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 880: She is Mu Family (8)

Feng Shengyang turned to his back and shook his head funnyly.

He turned his gaze back and looked at the white ceiling. In his mind, a small face of somebody appeared inadvertently, accompanied by her helpless scream, screaming at some Men's names.

Unfortunately, she didn't call his name ...

Feng Shengyang's eyes became somewhat deep.


In the luxurious ward, the curtains were open, and wind came in, raising the corner of the screen, and the clear sunlight took the opportunity to shine in, spreading a piece of gold on the floor.

The two of them were hugged and asleep, and they slept sweetly and securely.

Just then, the cell phone on the table rang, making it noisy.

Mu Xiaoxiao moved in Yin Shaojiao's arms. Finally, he was disturbed. He opened his eyes slightly, and reached for his mobile phone.

However, her short hand couldn't touch her cell phone.

He muttered in depression, Mu Xiao snorted.

At this point, a long arm crossed her, grabbed the phone on the table, and shoved it into her hand.

Yin Shaojie was also woken up, but after taking the phone, he moved his body down, his hands around Mu Xiao's small waist, and then he put Jun face on her chest.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't notice anything wrong with his posture, and glanced at the caller ID.

It's Qiqing.

She answered the phone, her voice hoarse, "Hey ..."

In contrast, Han Qiqing's voice is particularly clear and energetic, "Little! You haven't woke up yet? Didn't you say you went to Nanxiang Ancient Town today? I've already packed up, I'm ready to go out, I'll go to your apartment A little round with you? "

Mu Xiaoxiao blinked and finally was awake.

However, because of what happened last night, after the brain is so tightly stretched, and then relax, people will look particularly tired.

Even if she fell asleep, she was full of spirit.

Yawning, she said to Qi Qing, "I'm not in the apartment right now, don't you come over first, what about Shijun? Is he with you now?"

"Are you not in the apartment? Oh, I see. Are you at the Yin family? No, he's still at home. I just called him just now, and he just woke up. I don't care about him anymore, I plan to find him first You round, so I'm going to Yin's house now? "

Han Qiqing's voice was as crisp as Huang Ying's. Mu Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable in his ears because of his lack of energy.

She whispered, "Just keep your voice down ... my brain hurts."

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" Han Qiqing quickly let go of his voice and asked with concern.

"Well, a little uncomfortable." Mu Xiaoxiao replied dullly.

Han Qiqing said, "Will you go to Nanxiang Ancient Town? Are you sick again? Or rest at home."

Although she really wants to play, in comparison, her small body is more important.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "It's okay, but later, I still have business here, I'll tell you later, you go to Shijun Round first, I'll call you later."

"All right, but if you are really uncomfortable, then you don't have to hold on, it doesn't matter if you don't go." Han Qiqing said distressed.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, because her friend's concern made her feel better.

"It's all right."

"Well, then I'll go to Shijun first and wait for your call."

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