Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 881: She is Mu Family (9)

"Um." Mu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone and looked subconsciously at Yin Shaoji, but the person in front of him disappeared.

She bowed her head and saw a big head buried in her chest.

"Are you better?" She asked.

The doctor said last night that he had only a slight concussion and was not serious. Observing for one night, as long as there were no abnormal conditions, it was no different from normal people.

So is he now in an abnormal situation?

"I want to sleep for a while ... but a little uncomfortable ..." A magnetic voice came from her chest, but the tone was a little low, which made her not hear clearly.

But I heard the last three words.

"What are you talking about? Where is it uncomfortable?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked anxiously.

Yin Shaojiu surrounded her with both hands, and suddenly one hand got into her back.

"What are you doing?" She looked at his head ... puzzled.

Yin Shaojiu kept her head buried in her chest, but she didn't raise her head, so she could only see the top of his head and couldn't see his expression.

"If you are uncomfortable, call the doctor ... Ah!" Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to persuade him, and felt that his hand touched her clothes, and then he untied!

What is this guy trying to do!

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly realized something.

However, she also just woke up, and her response was much slower, so when Yin Shaoxu drew her underwear, she was too late to take precautions and exclaimed, "What are you doing!"

What is he doing?

Why suddenly cut her clothes?

Mu Xiaoxiao blushed. He felt strange. Was it a sequelae of a concussion?

Yin Shaozhen put Jun's face against her chest, and then she was satisfied. "It's much more comfortable ... don't talk, just stay with me for a while."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked down and realized.

She usually takes off her underwear when she sleeps at home, because it is not good to sleep.

But last night, I was too sleepy to care about anything, so of course I didn't take off my underwear, so I just wore it to sleep.

Mu Xiaoxiao just watched him stick to his chest, his hands clasped her tightly, so that the two of them were stuck together without a gap.

There was a warmth in her heart.

If in the past, she would definitely push his head off, but thinking of what happened last night, how could she succeed, and his head was still a little concussed? What if something goes wrong?

Mu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to let him continue to pillow himself.

It's just that this guy slept soundly.

But she was uneasy, always worried that the nurse or doctor would come in at this time, what if she saw the clothes left beside the bed?

Just thinking about it, I just feel that the scene is too embarrassing.

She stretched her hands back, trying to find clothes, and planned to hide her underclothes, at least not to be seen.

However, her hand stretched back and her chest leaned forward inertially.

Someone resting on her chest suddenly became restless.

But Mu Xiaoxiao didn't notice it, he just wanted to touch the clothes, and wanted to hide the clothes to avoid an embarrassing scene.

The satyr's hand quietly looped around her waist and stroked her back.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt a little itchy and shivered unconsciously.

"Don't touch me, itching ..." She complained to him.

The corner of Yin Shaoyan's mouth hooked, Jun's face lifted slightly, and her chest was in sight.

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