Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 882: She is Mu Family (10)

He had messed up her neckline because of the pillow he had just pillowed.

Well, men are most likely to be provoked in the morning.

Yin Shaojie's breath was a little hot, and she sprayed it on the skin in front of her chest.

Only then did Mu Xiaoxiao realize that she had such a chest-like posture, as if she was offering herself and waiting for him to taste, her face flushed and she hurriedly retracted her hand.

But still useless, the satyr had bowed his head, and his thin lips kissed her delicate collarbone.

"Don't make trouble ..." Mu Xiaoxiaojiao groaned, and clasped his head with his hands.

"Don't scratch my head, it hurts." Yin Shaoji said.

Mu Xiaoxiao was startled and quickly let go of his hand.

She wanted to push his head away, but didn't dare to do anything, she could only whisper to remind, "Now in the hospital!"

"It's okay, it's too early, they won't come in." Yin Shaojie's voice was a little dull, I don't know if it was the relationship just woke up, or because it was emotional.

Feeling the tension in her body, he raised his head, looked at her with black eyes like water, and coaxed, "Would you let me kiss, okay?"

Mu Xiaoxiao blushed and refused to refuse him.

"Just ... kiss?"

Yin Shaoxian showed a charming smile, couldn't help but go up and pecked her cherry lips gently.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought that he hadn't brushed his teeth, so he blocked him with his hand, "Don't kiss."

Yin Shaojie probably knew what she meant. She didn't deepen the kiss, just pecked it, then moved her thin lips back to her chest.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to look down, so ashamed to close his eyes and let him do whatever he wanted.

"Relax, don't get stretched, it's comfortable, and it doesn't punish you." Yin Shaoji teased.

Sure enough, Mu Xiaoxiao relaxed a little and whispered, "I'm afraid someone will come in ..."

I don't know if the door is locked or when the nurse will come to the room.

Just thinking about this, she couldn't relax.

Yin Shaoxuan looked up at the door lock, but he was not sure whether it was locked.

Although this is a senior ward, when the nurses and doctors come in, they knock on the door and ask a question.

But he didn't like being intimate until he was interrupted halfway.

But ... Yin Shaoxing turned her eyes to Xuenen's chest, and felt that she couldn't bear to let her go.

You can't eat people into your mouth, it's also good to eat tofu to solve the problem.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt his pause, looked down at him, and met his eyes.

She could feel the heat in his eyes.


She wanted him to be patient, but looking at his expression, she couldn't bear it.

"Then ... hurry ..." She blushed, and finally uttered this sentence.

Yin Shaoxu froze, thinking she would take the opportunity to escape, but did not expect her to say such things.

This made him want to let go of her heart, and suddenly it filled up.

He sighed and said, "You can't tolerate me like this."

Mu Xiaoxiao said that he was innocent, and obviously you are a lover, but now blame me?

"Then you stop."

"How do you do that?" Yin Shaoxing disagreed.

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