Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 901: Applying shame (9)

A city, city hospital.

Because Su Lin's spirit has been wrong recently, Su's mother suspected that she had relapsed, so she gave her some calming medicine.

However, Su Lin refused to take medicine today.

"I'm not sick again, why should you give me medicine? I don't take medicine! Take it away!"

Su Lin said angrily, pushing her mother's hand away, and angrily smashing the water glass in her hand to the ground.

The water glass shattered on the ground and made a loud noise.

Sum was frightened and a little pale, especially when she saw that her daughter was worse off, as if she had changed back to the time she was being treated in the United States.

She was worried that if she continued to do so, her daughter's condition would be at its worst.

"Linlin, don't be angry, don't take medicine without taking medicine, in fact this is just some vitamins, not medicine, haven't you been hospitalized recently? Mom is worried that your nutrition is not enough, so I asked the nurse to give You eat some vitamins, and since you don't want to eat them, don't eat them. "

Su mother comforted her, but as soon as she approached the bed, Su Lin's reaction became stronger.

"You walk away! Didn't you pretend you weren't in the country? What if Shaoju came over suddenly and saw you? Mom, why are you so disobedient? I don't want to see you, you go quickly!" Su Lin turned her face black, and smashed things.

No matter how dare Suma approached the past, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'm going home, don't get excited, don't get angry, baby, mother goes home now."

"Hurry up! Shaoyou will come to see me soon."

Su Mu looked worried, but had no choice but to leave the ward first.

Sure enough, when she got out of the ward, there was no movement in the room.

She waited for a while, and the nurse came out. She quickly grabbed the nurse and asked, "Is my daughter's mood stable?"

The nurse also had a little bit of embarrassment about the scene just now, and reluctantly pulled out a smile, saying, "Miss Su's mood is much better. After you come out, Madam, she is no longer noisy, and she is willing to take medicine."

"That's good." Su Mu was relieved, as long as she took medicine, she could at least stabilize Su Lin's condition.

But she was still worried, thinking about whether to send Su Lin to the United States.

But according to Su Lin's current situation, she was afraid to refuse to go to the United States with them.

Su Mu thought for a while and called her husband to ask him how he was talking to Yin Shaoji.

"You must persuade Shaolin, if he accompanies Lin Lin, Lin Lin will go to the United States, otherwise, staying in the country, Lin Lin's condition will not be treated, it will only get worse."

"I know, I know, I've already met with Shaoyu, and I'm rushing past. Okay, I won't tell you."

"No matter what method is used, even if you ask, you must let Shaoyu agree to this matter, did you hear it!"

"Yes, I hang up."

Sum looked at her phone and sighed helplessly.

In the room.

After Su Lin called out the nurse, she touched the mobile phone from the bedside. She first called Yin Shaojie, but who knows, it just rang and was hung up.

Su Lin's expression froze, her eyes became red with bloodshot at once, and her face was slightly emaciated.

She stared at the phone as if she was eating it, and her eyes were a little scary.

"He might be busy ... I can't disturb him, I can't disturb him ..."

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