Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 902: Apply medicine to a place of shame (10)

"Yes, he's just too busy ... it must be ..."

She was silently thinking like this, the scarlet in her eyes slowly dissipated, and her face returned to some peace.

Holding the phone for a while, she made another call.

This time, the phone answered quickly.

"Hey." A voice as good as a violin.

As soon as he heard his voice, Su Lin immediately complained, "Sheng Yang, why haven't you come to see me recently? Have you chased Mu Xiaoxiao and disliked me?"

"Nowhere." Feng Shengyang's voice slowly answered, "Well, I won't hide you anymore. Actually, I was injured. I'm in hospital now, so I didn't go to see you, so don't think about it. How could I not like you. "

Su Lin became worried. "Are you hurt? Is it serious? Let me see you!"

"It's not serious, it's just a concussion, and there are some contusions to the hands and feet. He will be hospitalized for a few days." He deliberately understated his injuries, as if they were not really serious.

"Isn't the concussion serious? Why is it concussed?"

"It's just a car accident." He said with a smile when he said this, it didn't seem to be a car accident, he just fell.

When Su Lin heard the accident, she was startled. "Car accident? It's so serious! How can you say it's not serious? You must be seriously injured, or you won't come to see me."

At this moment, Feng Shengyang said tenderly, "Lin Lin, I miss you."

Su Lin was worried about his injury at this time. When she heard this, her whole heart shook.

To say that she could still resist his offensive before, at this moment, it seems that she was captured.

"I ... miss you too, where are you? I'll see you." Su Lin's voice softened unconsciously.

"It's not convenient for you, just don't come here. When I'm better, I'll see you.

"No, I want to see you now." Su Lin sprinkled Jiao.

Feng Shengyang seemed to hesitate, then said, "All right."

Su Lin smiled, and she knew he would accommodate her. "Then you talk about which hospital you are in. I used to look for you."

Before this sentence is finished, the call hangs up.

Su Lin froze.

However, the phone rang again in the next second, this time a video call.

Su Lin was a little surprised and quickly connected.

Feng Shengyang's romantic appearance appeared on the mobile phone. He shook her hand and said, "Did you see that? I didn't lie to you?"

He raised his hand and showed her the bandage on it.

In the background of the video, there are the white sheets and the white wall of the hospital, just like her.

Su Lin looked at him distressedly. "Why are you in a car accident? Are you better now?"

"It's much better. The car accident is accidental. It's inevitable. People are all right. So I may not be able to go to you recently. You promised me to take good care of yourself, you know?" Feng Shengyang said this words tenderly Like water.

Su Lin's heart suddenly softened, "I see ..."

After two more conversations, Feng Shengyang said he was going to be checked, and then hung up.

Su Lin stared at the hung up phone and looked for a long time.

The picture seems to be still.

When she came back to her, she suddenly called Yin Shao's phone, but there was still no answer there, and she was cut off after two beeps.

Su Lin's eyes flushed and she smashed her phone.

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