Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 933: Want to give yourself (21)

"You, don't touch it ..."

Did n’t you say you wipe your feet? Why touch her leg? Still feel like this ...

Mo Xiaomeng couldn't stand the crispy feeling and shrank his leg.

Ye Sijue grabbed her ankle with a calm expression, and Jun face said solemnly, "You have walked so many roads today, and your heels have turned red."

As he said, his long fingers touched the red part of her heel.

Mo Xiaomen felt a little pain, and his brow frowned. "How did you find out?"

She didn't notice it herself.

Ye Sijue didn't say anything, he just dipped the ointment with his fingers, and then rubbed it into the red area and massaged it carefully.

Mo Xiaomeng felt a little hot and slowly felt comfortable.

Neither of them spoke.

After Yossi wiped his heels, she moved her fingers forward and grabbed her calf.

"What are you doing?" Mo Xiaomeng was so enjoyed that he was startled and stared at him alertly, fearing that he would do something indescribable to himself.

"You're also red here, what's the cut?" He said calmly, slick his fingers with the ointment, smeared it, and massaged in circles.

Mo Xiaomeng glanced down and found that there were really a few red marks on the feet and belly, and I don't know when it was obtained.

Seeing that he did nothing unexpected, she obediently let him rub the medicine.

Finally, the medicine was applied to both feet.

When sleepiness struck, Mo Xiaomeng's eyes were dull and he yawned.

Ye Sijue looked at her and said, "Sleep and sleep."

When Mo Xiaomeng became sleepy, he fell asleep. He nodded his head and crawled over to the pillow. He lay down and fell asleep.

Ye Sijue smiled, put the medicine on his hand, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After a while, he came out of the bath, put on his pajamas, went to bed, and lay beside her.

Mo Xiaomeng, who had thought that he was asleep, lowered his eyelids, and looked at him with a confused look, as if it was confirmed that he was, and then his body fluttered.

Ye Sijue watched her gather in her arms, her little hand flexed, she felt relieved, and went to sleep.

He stared deeply at her sleeping face.

After a while, he bowed his head and fell a kiss on her forehead.

The lights in the room went out, the bright moonlight came through the window, and a pair of snuggling figures could be seen on the bed.


Another room.

Mu Xiaoxiao in the bathroom was very tangled.

Since she came in, she has been tangled. The tangled question is: Does she want to wash faster or slower?

In the end, what Mu Xiaoxiao herself didn't expect was that it took her an hour to take this bath.

Because she was thinking about waiting for the kind of shy thing she might do, she washed herself clean, and then thought about how tired she is today, her hair must be stinky, so she washed her hair again. There is a hairdryer in the good bathroom and it dries the hair again.

After so much tossing, washing for an hour is not long.

After she finished washing, she realized a problem-why hasn't Yin Shaoyu returned yet?

Because she was taking a bath in the bathroom, she didn't know how long the time had passed, but she still felt that it should be a long time.

He went out to buy something, but he hasn't returned in so long?

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't come in with pajamas, he just came out around the towel.

Unexpectedly, at a glance, I saw Yin Shaojie lying on the bed, as if asleep.

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