Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 934: Want to give yourself (22)

It turned out he was back.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought that this guy was usually so cunning, so he wondered if he was really asleep, or was he pretending to want to take care of her?

The more she thought about it, the more she stepped on the slippers and walked quietly to the bed.

But she didn't dare to lean too close to the bed, so she separated a little distance, so that he didn't pretend to sleep. She could run when she rushed to catch her.

However, she approached slowly and found out that he really seemed to be asleep?

Mu Xiaoxiao is a little frustrated, is she thinking about it herself? In fact, he didn't understand her hint at all?

According to his character, how could he still sleep if she understood her suggestion.

Mu Xiaoxiao climbed to the bed and lay beside him, his head leaned up and looked at his handsome face up close.

He really fell asleep.

And she found that he frowned slightly when he was asleep, and looked a lot of trouble.

Mu Xiaoxiao subconsciously wanted to get up and smooth his frown, but seeing that he was asleep and didn't want to disturb him like this, so he had to forget it.

She turned and turned off the light, her head close to him.

His breath was his breath.

She slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep together.


The next morning, when Mu Xiaoxiao woke up, she found that she was covered with a quilt. She stretched lazily and kicked the quilt habitually.

The quilt pulled down, revealing her chest.

Mu Xiao was startled, his face was aggressive, and he quickly pulled up the quilt to cover the spring light on his chest.

She blinked her eyes cyanly, and then she remembered that she didn't bring pajamas when she took a bath last night, so she came out around a bath towel, so she just wrapped in a bath towel and went to sleep.

Think of your sleeping position ...

Mu Xiaoxiao was so ashamed to cover his face with both hands.

Oh my god! Too shameful!

She glanced quietly at the location next to her, and found that Yin Shaojie was gone, not knowing where to go.

I also knew with my toes that when he got up in the morning, he must have seen her ugliness before he covered her with a cup.

Didn't her body show him light?

Oh my god!


Mu Xiaoxiao screamed silently, his limbs trembling under the quilt, wishing to slap himself.

She had never slept naked, and this was the first time she felt the quilt and skin fit, a little ... obediently.

Mu Xiaoxiao blushed and pulled the quilt under his eyes.

The bright black eyes circled the room, and finally fixed on the bathroom door.

Is Yin Shaojie in the bathroom?

Should she take the clothes over the trunk while he's in the bathroom, and put them on?

After thinking about it for two seconds, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly executed it, so that Yin Shaoxu would suddenly come out of the bathroom.

Mu Xiaoxiao wrapped herself in a quilt, hurried to the luggage, looked down and began to look for clothes.

Wearing pajamas is the fastest because pajamas are placed on top.

But after thinking about it, I have to change my pajamas, so I'd better take them out.

Just before starting to find clothes, I heard Han Qiqing's voice ringing outside.

"Little! Are you awake? Have breakfast!"

Mu Xiaoxiao had solidified. I don't know if it was because of just waking up or because of his own situation, his brain was a bit unresponsive.

The next second, the doorknob turned, and Han Qiqing's voice sounded more clearly, "Little, you--"

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