Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 969: Amnesia (3)

Could he stop acting like a three-year-old?

"Are you sure you can go?" Yin Shaoji asked seriously.

"Of course, let go, I'll just leave by myself." Mu Xiaoxiao earned his arm and let him loosen.

Yin Shaojie had no choice but to struggle, lest she continue to struggle.

Mu Xiaoxiao stepped forward. Who knew what was going on in the corner of clothes, she took a step and almost fell forward.

Yin Shaojiu seemed to have been prepared for a long arm to pull her into her arms.

Her small face slammed into his sturdy chest, and in the breath, she was suddenly filled with his masculinity, letting her heart leak for a while.

The smell on him ...

The next second, an arm passed under her knee and hugged her.

"Well, I said I could go by myself!" Mu Xiaoxiao blushed.

"Give you a chance, now refutation is invalid!" A domineering voice came from above her head.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused, not knowing why the apex of the heart fluctuated, as if a familiar feeling passed through her heart.

She looked up and looked at his domineering handsome face.

The nurse was arrested by the powerful princess, followed by a look of confusion.



The doctor looked at the results of the examination on her hand and reported to Yin Shaoyihui, "Master Yin, the reason why Mu Xiaoxiao has amnesia should be caused by a blood clot in the head, but rest assured that this blood clot is small and does not require surgery, only An infusion is needed to dissolve it, and when the blood clot disappears, Miss Mu should be able to restore her memory. "

"How long will that take?" Yin Shaoxin asked Shen Shen, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao.

Doctors dare to make casual conclusions. After all, such things as amnesia are uncertain, and the brain is the most complicated part of the human body.

Yin Shaoxing's eyes turned back and he looked at him and said, "Doctor, just tell you what you analyze, I won't blame you."

The doctor thought about it and said, "There have been cases before, and it's similar to Miss Mu. The patient recovered after a few days."

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but interject. "What about the worst case? Will I never remember it?"

"This ..." Of course, doctors dare not answer this question, after all, any situation is possible.

Yin Shaojie didn't ask any more, stood up, took Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, nodded slightly to the doctor, and took her away.

Back to the ward.

When I saw Mother Yin and Father Yin were there, Mother Yin came over worriedly, "Say a little amnesia? Why is this so? Is it serious? How long will it take to remember? Will it ..."

"Mom, don't worry, the doctor did an examination. There is a blood clot in the small brain, but it is not serious and does not require surgery. Slowly, it will be fine. If it is fast, memory will be restored in a few days." Yin Shaoji Tell them as the doctor said.

Mother Yin looked at Mu Xiaoxiao distressedly, and took her into her arms. "My poor little baby, don't be afraid, you will remember it soon, don't be afraid, baby."

Mu Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes, and when she let go of her hand, politely bent down to say hello, "Hello Uncle and Auntie."

"Uncle and aunt?" Mother Yin glanced at her husband, the expression on her face suddenly collapsed, and she wanted to cry.

Dad Yin stepped forward and hugged his wife's shoulder. "Small little ones can't remember it, so it's called. Don't be sad, we will heal the little one."

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