Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 970: Amnesia (4)

Mu Xiaoxiao felt a little guilty before seeing Yin mother like this.

She yanked Yin Shaojiao's corner of her clothes, approached him, and whispered, "How do I call your parents?"

Yin Shaojiu reached her ear and answered her.

Mu Xiao nodded slightly, then smiled at Mom Yin, and shouted again, "Mom Yin, Dad Yin, I'm sorry, I shouted wrong for a while, don't you be sad? I just can't remember it for the time being, but I believe I will remember it soon! "

Mu Xiaoxiao, who is amnesic or not, believes in his intuition.

At the first sight of her mother and father Yin, she liked them very much, and had an indescribable kind of affection.

Seeing such a well-behaved little girl, Yin Yin turned red.

"You said, our little baby is so obedient, why did we encounter this kind of thing? God is really terrible ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao talked about Yin Shaoyan again, and asked him with his eyes, what should I do? Does not seem to comfort success.

"Aren't you going to the toilet? You go, I'll talk to them." Yin Shaoji said.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to do, so he listened to him and went into the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, she came out, but she lost her mother and her father.

Yin Shaojie was on the phone, saw her come out, and hung up after a few words.

"Where are your parents?" She asked puzzledly.

"I told them to go back first," Yin Shao said, picking up the clothes on the hospital bed and handing her to her, "You can change, we'll be discharged and go home."

"Isn't I hospitalized? Am I going to have an infusion?" Mu Xiaoxiao wondered.

Yin Shaoji explained, "No longer in hospital, you don't like being hospitalized. We go home to live, and the infusion can also be infused at home, just let the doctors and nurses come."

He walked up to her, his long fingers rubbing her delicate cheeks, and her black eyes gazed at her, promising to say in general, "Relax, I will do everything I can to restore your memory."

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and comforted him, "Actually ... you don't have to be so stressed, just let it be."

I don't know why, she didn't panic herself.

Probably because when she woke up, he saw him. He made her feel at ease, as if she could stay with him, she wouldn't be afraid of anything.

Yin Shaojiu held her face in the palm of her hand and asked her seriously, "Don't you think of me?"

"I think." Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "But I don't want you to be unhappy."

Seeing a melancholy in his eyes, her heart was a little uncomfortable.

Yin Shaoyu stared at her with certainty, and there was a wave of black eyes. He couldn't help lowering his head and kissing her cherry lips.

Mu Xiaoxiao found that he did not reject his kiss, and even subconsciously went forward to cater to him.

Yin Shaojie just kissed lightly, and her **** thin lips rubbed her lips.

After a while, he let go of her, "So let's go home?"

"Huh!" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded.

On the way home, Mu Xiaoxiao found her cell phone ringing, she picked it up in doubt and saw the caller ID.

"Qi Qing ... Who is it? My friend?" She turned to ask Yin Shaoji.

Yin Shaojie glanced at her and said, "Well, don't pick it up first, I'll go back and call her."

"Oh." Mu Xiaoxiao cut off the call, but after a few seconds, the phone rang again.

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