Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 971: Amnesia (5)

However, this time it was WeChat.

She opened it, and it was the one named Qiqing.

——Xiaoxiao, won't you still sleep? What time is it? Why haven't you and Yin Shaojie come to school?

Mu Xiaoxiao read the message to Yin Shaoji and asked, "Should I reply to her? I feel she cares about me."

"Then you reply to her and say you are not going today."

"Don't tell her about my amnesia?"

"Don't talk first, lest you don't know how to explain to her, I'll tell them later."

Mu Xiaoxiao herself couldn't remember what happened before the memory loss, so it was really a little difficult for her to explain it.

So she responded as he said.

"Oh, she replied again, asking why I didn't go to school, was I sick, or ..."

The last sentence, Mu Xiaoxiao paused, did not read it, small face turned awkwardly out the window.

Just at the red light, the car stopped.

Yin Shaojiu turned to look at her and asked, "Or what?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said nothing, shook her head and said, "It's nothing, do I want to reply to her?"

"Let me see." Yin Shaojie reached over.

Mu Xiaoxiao guarded his mobile phone and glared at him and said, "I won't show it to you! You and you just drive and drive well. What kind of mobile phone do you want to drive? Drive well, don't be distracted, your baby's life is in your hands Then! "

In the latter sentence, she almost blurted out.

After speaking, she held her own.

"Well ... how do I think, when did I seem to say this?"

Yin Shaojie also felt a little familiar, as if she had indeed heard her say, staring at her eyes and asking, "Did you think of something?"

Mu Xiaosha shook his head confusedly, "No ... my mind is still empty."

She looked at him, and found her empty mind, and now it seemed that only his figure was inside.

What Yin Shaomin thought of, opened the drawer, took out a pair of sunglasses from it, and handed it to her, "You wear it."

Mu Xiaoxiao wore it up, her sunglasses were a little big, and she was playing with her fingers up and down.

"Why do I wear this?" She asked.

Yin Shaojie looked at the movements she had done before, and finally smiled.

Although she couldn't remember it, her body remembered it.

Yin Shaojie did not return to Yin's house, but took Mu Xiaoxiao back to the apartment.

"Do you feel familiar?" He asked as she led her into the door.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked around, crooked his head, and answered honestly, "I didn't feel ... I didn't feel familiar, but I didn't feel strange, I don't know what it felt like."

She put on slippers, walked across the sofa across the diameter, and threw herself up.

"So thirsty, I want to drink water ..." she said to the ceiling.

Yin Shaojiu walked over to the refrigerator, took a bottle of water, walked to the sofa, unscrewed it and handed it to her.

"Thank you!" Mu Xiaoxiao sat up, crossed her legs, reached for the water, and groaned.

She felt her belly, flattened her mouth and said to him, "I'm hungry ..."

Although she ate something in the hospital, she didn't like to eat anything in the hospital, so she didn't eat much, and she has already digested it.

"Then what do you want to eat?" Yin Shaoji asked as she sat beside her.

Mu Xiaoxiao pointed his finger to his lips, thought about it, and laughed and said, "Will you cook it? You cook it for me!"

Yin Shaojie didn't mind cooking for her, but there were no ingredients in the refrigerator to use.

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