Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 972: Amnesia (6)

If you want to cook, you can only go to the supermarket to buy ingredients, so it will take a lot of time.

Mu Xiaoxiao wouldn't be able to hear it. "That's still takeaway. What's so delicious?"

"You can order it yourself." Yin Shaojie brought the tablet and opened the take-out list for her.

"Just order whatever you want, I'll go in and get something."

"Oh." Mu Xiaoxiao responded obediently, looking at the menu on the tablet.

Yin Shaojiu walked into the study, quickly turned on the computer, typed his fingers quickly, and called someone.

Someone responded quickly there, but not the person he was looking for.

——The guy didn't know what to do recently. Can't find anyone at all. Are you in a hurry to find him?

——Well, very urgent. Is there any way to contact him?

Waiting for the other party to respond, they heard a sweet voice coming from the door.

"I've chosen it. What would you like to eat? I'll help you."

Mu Xiaoxiao thought he was a little strange and walked over.

Yin Shaoyi hid the hacker's chat box with just one touch.

He stood up, put his hands around her shoulders, and led her out of the study.

"I'll eat whatever you order, just order whatever you like."

"By the way, there was another phone call just now, but I didn't pick it up, I didn't answer it," she said to him.

No commented number?

Yin Shaojie went to the sofa and picked up her mobile phone. She glanced at it and thought that the number seemed to be Feng Shengyang. He should have known about the small amnesia and the discharge, so he called to ask the situation?

"Ignore him, boring people." He just pulled the number black.


Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa and habitually crossed his legs. "You can just click it, then I'll just click it."

She bent her eyes happily, snatched the phone from his hand, called the number on the tablet and went to order.

Yin Shaojie listened to her after finishing the order and couldn't help but stun it.

These are his favorite foods ...

She doesn't order any of those she likes.

"How can you ... think of this?" He asked her in a dumb voice.

Mu Xiaoxiao blinked his eyes, "Just look at it and think about it, why, don't you like to eat these?"

Yin Shaojii laughed, and his heart was warm.

"No, I like to eat."

"That's good!"

Mu Xiaoxiao responded, and suddenly felt that his eyes looked a little too hot, which made her feel dry, so she reached for the water on the coffee table.

Who knows, drinking too fast made my chest wet.

"Ah-what to do! It's all wet ..."

After entering the room, she took off her coat, leaving only a white top, so that when she got wet, she printed out her underwear.

Mu Xiaoxiao's ears turned red, and she covered her chest with her hands, "I, I'll change clothes!"

Then fled, trying to run into the bedroom.

However, her wrist was caught.

"No need to change it," Yin Shaoji said magnetically.

"Ah? Why don't you change?" Mu Xiao looked at him puzzled.

Yin Shaojie smiled, "It just got a little wet, and it dries with a blow dryer."

Hair dryer?

Mu Xiaoxiao stunned, and then saw Yin Shaozhen really found a hair dryer from the drawer, and then pulled her to the middle of his legs.

His face was facing her chest.

Underneath the white top, pink underwear is looming.


Besides, the episode of amnesia is a sweet and dirty advanced version, you can rest assured to eat ~~ Please remember to vote!

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