Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 973: To listen to her husband (1)

Apparently, the two were still a short distance away, but Mu Xiaoxiao felt as if there was a warm breath on her chest, making her chest skin feel sensitive and a little pink.

She took a step back subconsciously, blushing and said, "No need, I'll blow it myself!"

She felt strange looking at her like this.

"Isn't it good for me to blow it for you? What a shame, come here." Yin Shaojie stretched her arms and took her back.

"Everyone said they'd come!" Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly pushed his head.

"Aren't you still very obedient just now?" Yin Shao frowned at her, and raised her eyebrows, looking at her puzzledly.

After hearing the words, Mu Xiaoxiao resisted, "Who wants to be obedient! I don't want to be obedient, you give me a hair dryer."

Yin Shaojie felt a little familiar with this, and he narrowed his eyes, "Did you remember something again?"

I always felt that she would say something subconsciously before she knew it.

Is she pretending to have amnesia?

Although Yin Shaojie thinks this is unlikely, even if Xiaoxiao is naughty, she won't play games like amnesia under such circumstances, but in his heart, she really hopes that she is pretending rather than really amnesia.

So he felt that he should test her.

"No." Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, grabbing the hair dryer quickly while his hands were still, and then went aside, blowing his wet neckline back to him.

Yin Shaojiu hands around her chest, squinting at her.

When Mu Xiaoxiao dried his clothes and turned back, he saw that he sat sadly in the corner of the sofa, his eyes were lowered, his eyes diverged, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What's wrong?" She asked subconsciously, feeling he wasn't quite right.

Yin Shaoxi shook his head and said indifferently, "Nothing."

"You must have something, don't try to lie to me!" Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he lied to himself, and he came up in a rage, angrily walked over and sat beside him.

"What are you doing, right? Don't you say it's my fiance? We are so close, what can't you tell me?"

Seeing him look like this, she felt a pain in her heart, a kind of uncomfortable uncomfortable.

Yin Shaoyi sighed sadly, then raised her eyes and looked at her, then said quietly, "I just ... I'm sad."

"What's wrong?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him squarely and asked worriedly.

Obviously just fine.

Yin Shaojiao stretched out her palms, pressed her cheeks against her cheeks, and black eyes locked her eyes affectionately and said, "Did you know? You used to call my husband, but after you lost memory, you did n’t call me like this, my heart I feel uncomfortable, especially uncomfortable. "

After speaking, he opened his eyes sadly, "Sorry, I shouldn't tell you these things, it will make you stressful."

Mu Xiaoxiao paused, and Xiaolian asked with a little embarrassment, "Is this ... I really call you like this?"


Did she call him like that?

Yin Shaojiu turned her eyes, looked into her eyes, and nodded earnestly, "Yeah, did you forget? That's how you called me. Would you like to call it once, maybe you will feel it? Would think stand up?"

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, probably thought he was justified, so he whispered, "Husband, husband ..."

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