Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 986: I only want you (4)

"He ... oh, I forgot what he said his name was! This guy is so good, it's a routine for me." Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to see the backing and ran to Yin Shaoxi's side.

Yin Shaoji heard this, took her phone from her hand, and glanced at the name of the call.

An unfamiliar number without a comment.

This reminded him of someone, Feng Shengyang whose number had been hacked by him.

Anyone who has a little brain will know that even if the number is blackened, can't it be changed by another number?

Yin Shaojie was almost certain that the call was from Feng Shengyang.

He put the phone to his ear and said in a low voice, "Feng Shengyang, are you doing anything?"

The corner of Feng Shengyang's mouth raised an arc, but it didn't look like a pleasant arc, but his teeth were itchy.

He was pulled for the first time in his life.

When the mobile phone has been unreachable, he has always been clever. He didn't respond at first. He thought it was a problem with Mu Xiaoxiao's signal. He thought whether it was Yin Shaomin who took her to the wilderness?

After waiting for a few hours, he still didn't get through, and then he responded that he was being hacked.

He was actually hacked!

Feng Shengyang who realized this was rather unpleasant. He had always been the only one who had hacked others. No one had hacked him, which made him angry.

Feng Shengyang yelled, "Yin Shaoxing, are you afraid of me?"

"Afraid of you? Are you joking? Why should I be afraid of you?" Yin Shaoji said with a smile, as if he had heard some jokes.

"You dare not let Xiaoxiao approach me, afraid that I will take her away, don't you?" Feng Shengyang said proudly.

Yin Shaoyi snorted, "You think too much, do you think you can grab it?"

Feng Shengyang laughed, "How do you know if you don't try?"

Yin Shaoxian chuckled, "It's funny, why should I let you try it? Do you know how many people like my little one? If everybody has to try it, why should we waste time on people who don't matter? On you? "

What an irrelevant person!

Although Feng Shengyang knew this was the truth, it left him uneasy about any relationship with Mu Xiao.

Feng Shengyang knew that he could not go against him, so he slowed down his tone and said, "Rest assured, I just want to see a little one this time. I heard that she has amnesia. Is it serious?"

"Who told you that she has amnesia?" Yin Shaoji asked in turn.

Feng Shengyang didn't follow him around and said bluntly, "You don't have to think about how to lie to me, I just confirmed that she is amnesia."

Yin Shaojie lowered the corner of his mouth a bit, looked at Mu Xiaoxiao beside him, reached out and dragged her into his arms.

"You told him, are you having amnesia?" He whispered into her ear.

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly shook his head, pointed at the mobile phone angrily, and whispered, "It's him who told me, this guy is too bad. Who is he? What do I have to do with him? Why does he say something about me? It's his business? "

"It's just a fly." Yin Shaoji said casually.

He turned his black eyes, and said in her ear, "You call me, sweeter, sweeter feeling."

Mu Xiaoxiao immediately came over and looked at the phone.

Then, she held Yin Shaojiao's arm cooperatively, and shouted in a sweet and sweet voice, "Husband ~~ Who is this person? I don't remember him anymore."

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