Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 987: I only want you (5)

This husband let Feng Shengyang outside the door chop the corners of his mouth into a straight line.

Good husband.

The coquettish voice was heard in people's hearts.

Under normal circumstances, a man can feel Yin Shao's provocation, but Feng Shengyang is a guy who does not follow the card reasoning, and his brain is unusual.

What he was thinking now was that Xiao Xiao called his husband's picture in such a tone.

Although a bit crispy, it feels very good!

Feng Shengyang seemed to be unaffected. He said in a joke, "Master Yin, is this your hospitality? Let the guests stand at your door to blow hair?"

It's the first time he has experienced being blocked like this.

I have to say, it feels particularly bad!

Hearing that, Yin Shaoyan raised his eyebrows and looked at the door. "Are you at our door? What are you trying to do?"

This person is uninvited and wants to get a grand welcome?

I think too much!

"I said, I just want to see Xiaoxiao." Feng Shengyang said this very sincerely.

Yin Shaoji said indifferently, "My home is not a zoo. You can't help seeing who you want to see."

Feng Shengyang said, "Why can I be friends with Xiao Xiao? Yin Shaojie, you don't have to be so wary of me. I'm not malicious to Xiao Xiao now. Although you are her fiance, shouldn't you Ask her and ask if she would like to see me? "

Inside the room, Mu Xiaoxiao leaned on Yin Shaojiao's arms, her ears unconsciously, trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

However, Yin Yin Shao is too high, even if she raises her toes, she still can't hear a little bit.

"What are you talking about?" She asked curiously.

Especially looking at the expression of Yin Shaojie, it seems that the two were not having a good chat?

Yin Shaoxi looked down at her and asked, "Do you want to see him?"

"Ah?" Mu Xiaoxiao blinked puzzledly. "Why see him?"

Yin Shaojiao raised his corner of his mouth and said to Feng Shengyang over the phone, "Have you heard? She doesn't want to see you."

Feng Shengyang smiled bitterly outside the door, and he heard Mu Xiaoxiao's words.

"Can you ask me to ask her myself?"

Yin Shaoji wanted to say no, but he suddenly wanted to know what kind of attitude he would have towards Feng Shengyang after the memory loss.

This half-day relationship has made him feel that the little after amnesia treats the people around her exactly as she really thinks.

So, how she treats Feng Shengyang at this moment, she can know the true thoughts of Feng Shengyang in her heart?

With this idea in mind, Yin Shaoxing chose to agree to Feng Shengyang's request and gave the phone to Xiaoxiao.

"What for me?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was confused, but still answered the phone.

Not knowing what Feng Shengyang said to her, she nodded and said, "Well, I'll show you."

Yin Shao narrowed her eyes. She would like to see Feng Shengyang? What kind of situation is this?

Mu Xiaoxiao held his arm and pulled him towards the entrance.

"Go with me to open the door."

Although a little dissatisfied, Yin Shaojie still opened the door with her. If she was asked to open the door herself, of course he would be even more reluctant.

At the door, Feng Shengyang stood outside with an under-flat smile and greeted them, "Hello."

"Come in, guest." Yin Shaojie glanced at him.

He wanted to see why Xiaoxiao wanted to see Feng Shengyang.

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