Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 473: Genuine demon king

Chapter 0473 the real demon king

The starry sky above them had disappeared, and when Seraphim and her family members returned to God, they were surprised to find that they were no longer in the real space.

Surrounded by gray chaos, a huge battlefield appeared beneath the crowd.

"Chi Longdi, what is this place?"

Although a little surprised, Syracuse did not panic, but asked.

"This is a different space I temporarily opened with [Absolute Fog]. If we fight here, we don't have to worry about being disturbed by others."

Tianluo said.

"Well, let's start quickly, the magical girl Levy Carbon can't wait to destroy the evil Red Dragon Emperor!"

With a wave of magic wands studded with stars, Seraphlo put on a cute and cool shape.

Tianluo couldn't help laughing, the demon master really never forgot his own magical girl!

"Ok, but before the fight, let's determine what the losing side will pay."

"Well, the abominable Chilong Emperor, it's annoying, and you're endless!"

"Master Symphony, I'm also just in case, what if the losing party doesn't recognize the account then?"

Looking at Seraphlu's impatient impatient appearance, Tian Luo was quite speechless.

"I suppose you make some sense, then we'll make sure again."

"If you lose, take the initiative to cancel your engagement with Cannabis Sauce, and you will never be entangled in my Cannabis Sauce. If I lose, you can do whatever you want!"

In accordance with the original agreement between the two of them, Syrah exclaimed loudly.

"I'm sure on my side, but is it really okay for you, Lord Seraphim?"

"Although I admit that Selaflou is very strong, but I am not weak at all. If I win here, I may not be able to afford the cost of losing."

Nodded, then Tianluo kindly reminded.

"Abominable Chilong Emperor, how dare you ever dream of winning Levi Carbon?"

"For Canna sauce, Levy Carbon will never lose!"

As if he heard a big joke, Seraphim could not help being angry.

"Master Seraphim, it's arrogant to be overconfident, maybe you will lose it later."

"I'll also say what I want, if in the end I win the battle--"

"Master Seraphim, join me in your harem too!"

The atmosphere fell silent, Tian Luo didn't hide his greedy and eager eyes, and Seraphlu and her family members were all stunned.

What did Chilong Emperor say just now, that he wanted to let the Seraphim, the devil, join his harem? !! !!

"Red Dragon Emperor, you, you are shameless!"

The whole face was flushed with anger, how could Seraphim never thought that this brazen **** in front of her even had her idea!

Obviously, they have entered into a marriage contract with Cang Na Sauce. Obviously, they already have Liaise Sauce and so many other women.

Indecent, shameless, greedy, h ... In the heart of Seraphim at this moment, all the words that describe villains and villains in this world can be used on the emperor of the dragon!

"Master Seraphim, you can do whatever you want, anyway, this is my condition."

"If Lord Seraphim is unacceptable, then we can cancel the duel, but then please ask Lord Serafuru to never stop me and Canna.

Shrugging, Tianluo said lightly.

"Don't think about it !!!"

"Chi Longdi, I will never give Cangna sauce to a guy like you!"

Really frustrated, Seraphim replied without thinking.

Decided, she must teach this abominable Chilong Emperor a good meal, slap him to the knees and beg for mercy, and then let Cangna sauce look at his true and greedy face!

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Tian Luo knew this was the result.

"Since Lord Seraphim has realized something, then--"

"Let's fight!"

Rushing into the sky, Tianluo launched [Red Dragon Emperor's Cage Hand] and [White Dragon Emperor's Light Wing] at the same time, and suddenly a red and white two-day dragon armor appeared on Tianluo's body.

"Shasha, you step back, now I want to teach the abominable Chilong Emperor severely!"

There was also a vast and terrifying magic on her body, said Syracuse coldly.

Heartbroken, Seraphulu's family members knew that their master was really angry this time!

"Master Seraphim ..."

Opening her lips, a dozen magical girls didn't say much at last, one by one, taking off and falling off into the distance.

Chilong Emperor did go a little too far this time.

Although Lord Seraphim has always been approachable, the majesty of the devil cannot be violated!


In the sky, Tianluo and Xyla Fulu stood opposite each other.

The two men collided with each other and sparked a thick spark in the air.

"Red Dragon Emperor, accept the punishment of the magical girl!"

Seraphim took the lead, and the magic wand in his hand was lifted into the sky, and then an infinite thunderbolt was cast.

Crackling ...

Lightning and lightning interweaving and exploding, spread to the entire space almost instantly!

Frightened, Tianluo immediately avoided dodging, but these were meaningless at all, and a thunder and lightning flowed through the armor to Tianluo's body--

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Even when the sky fell, I couldn't help but screamed, the taste was simply not sour.

The lightning attack did not last long, and Tianluo was able to resist it. But when looking down at the ground, Tian Luo's eyes could not help but jumped fiercely.

The battlefield he created has disappeared without any use, and the entire land below has been torn by lightning to create countless scorched gullies. The scene is like the end of the world.

"Hey, do you want to be so exaggerated."

Just such a horrible power with just a random blow, is this the real devil? !! !!

"Chi Longdi, where are you looking!"

Fighting against himself even dared to be half-hearted, and Seraph was angry, and the magic wand in his hand once again launched the magic.

A huge magic circle unfolded in the hollow, and then tens of thousands of fireballs shot down like raindrops.

There is no reason, it is all-round bombing!

Boom boom boom boom! !! !! !! !!

The loud noises turned the whole alien space into a sea of ​​fire.

Dodging doesn't make any sense at all, Tianluo can only open [inherent enchantment] to resist.

However, several huge wind blades blasted out and chopped the solid [inherent enchantment] directly into pieces!


I almost got chopped by those wind blades. The dragon wings behind the sky showed off, and he flew directly to the distant Serafru regardless of the fireball attack.

Come without indecent assault, and let Seraphim also taste his iron fist!

"It's useless!"

With a sneer, Seraphim opened a magic array in front of him, and the sky falling from the shot was punched in the punch.


To be continued ...

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