Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 474: Fierce battle

Chapter 0474 fierce battle

The fire waves soared into the sky, and a thunderous explosion erupted in the air.

Although Tianluo has not exhausted all his strengths, even if he is a big mountain with his current strength, he can easily blast.

However, the magical circle that Sylafuru unfolded was rock solid, without even a crack!

"What a joke ?!"

Knowing that he seems to underestimate the Devil Lord, Tianluo is preparing to increase his strength, but Seraphim does not intend to give him this opportunity--

"Stop it, Emperor Chilong!"

Hundreds of magical arrays unfolded in the air and trapped the sky with the applause of Seraphim.

Syracuse rose into the air, and then all the magical Guanghua masterpieces trapped in the sky exploded.

"It's worthy of being Lord Syracuse."

"Seraphlu is the real Lord of the Devil. Sure enough, Chilong Emperor cannot be the opponent of Seraphlu."

"Are they over?"

Seraphulu's relatives floated in the air to watch the battle, and it can be said that their masters had the absolute upper hand from the beginning.

Although Chilong Emperor is famous and his strength is really good, it is indeed worse than their master Seraphro.

However, what surprised a group of magical girls was that as the vision was clear, Tianluo's unscathed figure appeared on the other side of the air!

"It was really dangerous just now."

He twisted his neck and laughed.

At the last moment, he used [Space Jump] to escape the enchantment of the magic circle, otherwise he might really be a little bit lucky.

"Master Seraphim, we don't need to test each other anymore, let's each show our real strength."

"Otherwise, this battle would be boring."

Looking down at Syla Fuluo, Tianluo said.

Almost everyone knows in the underworld. The demon king Syrahvlu is best at her ice magic, but she has never used it before.

"Red Dragon Emperor, since you want to die so much, Levi Carbon will do it for you!"

"Let's go, twelve!"

With a pretty face and a cold face, Seraphim's magic wand was held high, and suddenly a huge magic array opened in the air.

Huh ...

The sky suddenly darkened, and the air pressure became extremely heavy. It was difficult to breathe, and then a huge ice ball of hundreds of meters shot down from the magic circle in the air.

This kind of extermination-level forbidden magic is at hand, which is really good!

"Hahaha ..."

Yangtian laughed, and the sky fell into the sky, and Boom Boom blasted a huge ice hockey ball hard.

With a cold snoring, Syla Fuluo started the magic again, and suddenly tens of thousands of ice spears shot at the sky.

Reiki erupted, Tianluo's entire body turned rapidly, and all the ice spears were blasted and broken.

However, at this moment--

"Hoohoo !!!!"

The monster's roar, a huge ice beast shot from the ground below, and swallowed the sky into the belly!

Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !! !!

Tianluo, who was swallowed into the belly of the ice beast, punched furiously, and then a long howl blasted off the body of the ice beast and shot out.

However, it was another ice-cold current that greeted the sky. The armor of the two dragons was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture and could not move. The sky falling under the armor was covered with frost and could not help but snored.

The extreme cold hit the bone marrow. Tianluo only felt that every cell in the whole body was tingling. Where could he dare to delay? Tianluo quickly released Frydo's black flame to finally eliminate the chill and resume the operation.

However, at this time--

"Come on, Chilong Emperor!"

Flashing over Tianluo's head, Seraphim holding his magic wand in both hands, unfolding a magic array and smashing at Tianluo severely.

The body strength of Seraphim is not very strong. Compared to many opponents that Tianluo encountered before, Tianluo only feels a mountain-like powerful attack under the blessing and increase of magic. Come, and then the whole person slammed into the ground below like a meteor.


This time, however, he was not smashed lightly, and even when the sky fell, he could not help spitting out bitter water.

However, everything hasn't ended yet. The ground dropped by Tianluo has developed a magical array, and numerous sharp ice spikes have broken through the armor of two dragons, almost wearing Tianluo into a hedgehog!

All the ice thorns formed the appearance of an ice flower, which looked unusually beautiful and elegant, but it was covered with bright red blood stains, which made people shudder.

"Chi Longdi, now you know the benefits of Levy Carbon!"

Flying down, Seraphim looked deflated.

The abominable Chilong Emperor not only snatched the Cannabis sauce, but even dared to fight her idea, so as not to let him suffer, he really thought that he could turn the sky.

"Ah, I do know."

"It is indeed the Lord of the Demon King who is in the underworld, and it is not a level at all with those ordinary Demon Kings."

He didn't care about the injuries on his body, and Tianluo laughed while lying on the ground.

Seraphim is very strong, very very strong. I am afraid that among the women whom Tianluo knows, she is only a few people, such as Guelfiah and Gabriel. Si and Cang Na are far from being her opponents in the case of [Red Dragon Emperor's Cage Hand] and [White Dragon Emperor's Light Wing].

"Well, you know, just surrender, for the sake of Liasa sauce, I will spare you today, but immediately after you go back, the marriage contract with Cangna sauce will be cancelled. Nasa! "

Leng Huo said, Syla Fruh.

"Master Seraphim, don't you think you've already won?"

Where does this go? It's funny.

"Why, do you want to continue fighting?"

Frowning the show eyebrows, Syla Fruh's gaze became cold again.

Also too lazy to explain anything, Tian Luo burned a layer of flame to melt the ice thorns, and then stood up.

With the power of the Holy Grail, the wounds on Tianluo were fully healed in just one breath, and even some broken two-day dragon armors were restored as before.

His face was not very good-looking, and it was also Seraphlu who remembered that this abominable Chilong Emperor had an artifact of the healing system, which was really annoying.

Well, forget it, since he is not convinced yet, he will be up to him today!

"Master Seraphim, are those all your strengths just now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just ask, if those powers were just the full power of Lord Seraphro, then the battle would be almost over."

"Red Dragon Emperor, you are really arrogant!"

It was really amused, and Syracuse was the first time I saw such a arrogant guy.

"No no no, I've always been modest."

"Now, let Lord Seraphim also see my power!"

He shook his head, and then Tianluo shot at Syla Fruh ...

To be continued ...

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