Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 479: I want to tune you

Chapter 0479 I Want To Teach You

Even this fact was too shocking for Seraphim. Although reasonably told her that Auntie Vernilana would never use this kind of thing to deceive herself, she was still difficult to accept for a while.

That Sazex, who has been working hard for the future of the underworld, is just a fake, is that God of the Bible who should have died long ago? !!

how can that be! how can that be!

Not only was Syracuse, but a dozen other magical girls were shocked.

They really heard something incredible!

"Seraphlu, now you understand, the reason why Gurefia and I are here is to use the power of the little sky to fight against the **** of the Bible."

"You have been a good friend of Suzeks since you urinated, but the real Suzeks have been killed by that Bible god. Although it is unknown what his purpose is, he occupied Suzeks There is absolutely a huge conspiracy to dive into the underworld. "

"Selaflou, join us, lend us your power, let us avenge Sazex together, and fight against the Bible **** together."

Thinking of those painful memories, Vinillana also seemed a little excited, said grabbing Seraphim's hand.

However, Seraphim retreated two steps in a panic and distanced herself from Vinylana.

"No, no, I'll check it myself."

If it is something else, it is fine, but this fact is too great, if you don't go to confirm it yourself, Syracuse will be difficult to accept.

"Confirm, how do you confirm? Go to that fake and ask him if he is the God of the Bible, and ask him why he did this kind of thing?"

"Seraphlu, you are so naive even if you become a demon!"

Sneer sarcasm, Gulevia's voice.

"Gulefia, what do you say ?!"

Even saying that she was naive, the fire in Xyla Lulu's heart ignited, and she glared angrily at Griffia.

"Why, am I wrong?"

"What you call confirmation will only let that fake know the fact that you have been thoroughly exposed, and your naivety will bring great disaster to the underworld!"

"Well, Sazex has never done anything harmful to the underworld, and has always advocated for peace in the underworld and the world."

"It's you guys, Griffith, what do you prove that what you say is true?"

"If you can't prove it, I suspect that you have betrayed Sazex and betrayed the underworld."

The face was cold and cold, and Syracuse also turned his lips back.

Once competing with each other for the title of the strongest female demon in the underworld, Xelafro has always regarded Gueliffia as her opponent. At this moment, Guliffia was satirized, and Xarufflu's confrontational psychology was completely inspired.

The sky above the throne was watching a good show, and Vine Lana on one side was helpless and sighed. Syla Fuluo couldn't believe the facts they said. This situation was really awful.

However, Gurefia seems to care nothing--

"Seraphlu, I think you haven't understood where you are now, and I don't need to prove it to you at all."

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, you will eventually join us and your power will be used by us."

I do n’t know where Gurefia's confidence came from, Seraphlu was really angry:

"Less self-righteous, Gurefia, I will never join you just because of your wicked attitude!"

This is really completely rigid, Gu Lei Fei no longer said anything, just looked at the sky with that cold eyes.

The corners of his mouth were drawn, and the sky was silent for a while.

Master maid, if you mess with Seraphim yourself, let me solve it. This is not kind.

Although he thought so, Tianluo knew that he could no longer watch the movie.

"Syla Fleuro, we will not mention the matter of that Bible god, but according to our agreement, if you lose to me, you will join my harem, and my woman will be."

Standing up, Tian Luo laughed.

"Why, what agreement, Chi Longdi, I don't understand what you're talking about."

His eyes floated, but there was a moment of anger under Seraphim.

The abominable Chilong Emperor has even called her by now, and really wants to join him in his harem.

Shameless! Indecent! h! Damn it! !! !!

"Hey, Symphony, you are Lord Devil, don't you want to play tricks?"

As if some new continent was discovered, Tian Luo couldn't help it.

"Well, what if I just play tricks?"

"I don't want to join you in the harem of the emperor, you're dead!"

Syracuse also stepped out, and returned aggressively.

She's not the kind of stupid idiot. Does she really want to be bullied together with Canna sauce after joining the harem of this dragon?

What a joke! !! !!

"Well, it's fun, and it's really cute and straightforward Levy Carbon."

"Seraphlu, we told you about the Bible god. Do you think you can leave here in peace?"

"And ah, why do you think Guletia is so confident that you will join us and that your power will be used by us?"

When he came close to Syracuse, Tianluo's face was playful.

"Why, why?"

The following instinct raised a little panic, and Syla Fruh could not help asking.

"Because, I want to train you, as long as I train you obediently and obediently, everything is OK!"

With an evil smile on his face, Tianluo said.

With a pair of beautiful eyes wide open, Seraphim wondered if he had hallucinations.

This daring Red Dragon Emperor even said she was going to train her!

"You, you are shameless!"

"I don't want to be conditioned by you, you die for me!"

Shy and annoyed, Syracuse was really furious, and raised his hand to prepare to use magic to destroy this abominable shameless person.

However, what made Sylafurlu feel that she couldn't use magic!

"Why, magic, my magic ..."

Obviously can feel the existence of magic in his body, but no matter how Seraphlu urged him to do nothing.

"No need to waste any effort. When you are unconscious, I have put a seal on your body, making you temporarily unable to use magic."

"That's right. Didn't you notice that your clothes have been changed? I changed them for you, and I took a bath for you by the way."

"I have to say, Symphony, your figure is really good."

Holding his chin, Tianluo Pinto commented with a smile and smile, and Syla Furu stayed still.

That lovely face turned red at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and even **** eyes appeared in those watery eyes. The whole body of Seraphim exudes cold and cold killing intention--

"Ahhhhh ..."

"Chi Longdi, I fight with you!"

To be continued ...

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