Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 480: You can't do this to me

Chapter 0480 you can't do this to me

His own body had even been seen or even touched by this **** Chilong Emperor, and the anger under Seraphim's heart could not be increased, and the whole person almost lost his reason.

With a loud roar, Seraphim flew over to Tianluo, like a furious tigress who was desperate to fight with Tianluo.

However, even during the heyday of Seraphim, she was not an opponent in the sky, not to mention that at this moment she could not mobilize magic.

Instead of attacking Tianluo, Seraphlu was caught by Tianluo's hands and fell into his arms.

"Let me go, let me go!"

Syracuse kept shouting and struggling, but he was hugged by the sky-he couldn't break free.

Although Seraphim now is completely a lamb to be slaughtered and enjoyed by herself, it doesn't always make her so noisy. With a flash of evil light in his eyes, Tian lowered his head and kissed Syracuse's lips.

"Woo !!!!"

If struck by lightning, Syracuse was dead.

Gone ... her first kiss is gone ...

Enraged, Xyla Furu was trembling with anger.

Asshole Chi Longdi, what have you done! !! !!

In the moment of Symphony's rage, Tian Luo had to go all out, and her tongue broke through Symphony's defense and invaded her cherry blossom mouth.

It was no longer possible to use words to describe his feelings of shame at this moment, and Seraphim showed his heart and prepared to bite off that abominable thing.

Early on guarding Syla Fuluo's counterattack, she noticed her movements, and Tian Luo quickly launched the ability of [Five Sense Control].

In a split second, the stimulus received by Xyla's brain suddenly skyrocketed dozens of times!

"This, what is this ..."

As if the entire body had lost its strength, Syracuse could no longer raise any thoughts of resistance.

Because her entire mind has been filled with that slippery feeling!

h, indecent, shameless ...

She knew that this was not right, but her body came with great joy and joy.

More, more, want more more ...

Her body became so strange!

Looking at Seraphulu's increasingly blurred eyes, a smile flashed in Tian Luo's eyes, and then he continued to taste his delicious prey.

The magical girls who have been **** in the air have been stunned. The evil Red Dragon Emperor has actually started to fight against Lord Seraphim!

With a sarcastic expression, the corners of Gurefia's mouth floated a cold and beautiful arc, and Villana next to him sighed intricately.

The Greymores and Sidi's were close friends, and Venirana and Madame Sidi were close friends. In the eyes of Villana, Symphony was like her own child.

If Verina Lana could, she didn't want to do this, but they had to fight for the power of the biblical **** Seraphim.

In order for Seraphim to believe in them, help them, and join them, only Xiaotianluo had to conquer her!

Thinking of this, Vinillana's eyes also flashed a few strokes--

For their revenge, for the Enron and the future of the whole underworld, Syracuse, only wronged you!

After a long time, Tianluo, who was finally satisfied, finally let go of Seraphim.

"How do you feel, Syla Fruh?"

This is really a delicious taste, Tian Luo Tian Tian added with a smile.

"You, what did you do to me ..."

Finally, a trace of clarity was restored, and Selafulu's weakness was panicked and shocked.

The abhorrent Chilong Emperor did that kind of thing to her, but she was just completely obsessed with it just now!

"This is one of the artifacts I have. It can multiply the joy and happiness I bring you by dozens or even hundreds of times. Even a tough and powerful will is meaningless in front of it."

"Syrahvlu, you should already understand. Even if you can't fight this ability, you will fall, you will yield."

"So, give up and resist, accept my training, then join my harem, and listen to me obediently."

Gently caressing Seraphlu's anxious face, Tianluo said evilly.

"Don't ... don't ..."

"I'm sister of Cannabis sauce, you can't do this to me ..."

This time Syracuse was really scared, even tears were already in her eyes.

I personally experienced that feeling, and Seraphim knew that Tianluo was telling the truth. If Tianluo had to educate her, she would not be able to resist at all, and the only result would be to surrender!

With tears and pity, Tianluo was the first time he saw Seraphlu's appearance, and his expression was suddenly cloudy.

Indeed, Seraphim is also Canna's sister anyway, isn't it too much for her ...

"Why, are you soft? Let me do it if you can't get it!"

Naturally, he noticed the hesitation in the sky, and Gulei Feia came over and said coldly.

"Gurefia, how dare you !!!"

Frustrated, Xyla Furu stared at Griffia angrily.

She didn't answer, Gurefia just smiled coldly, but that smile made Seraphim shudder.

This woman is serious!

"Forget it, let me do it."

Tian Luo shook his head.

His dominance was destined to let him conquer countless women, and Syla Fuluo was destined to be one of them.

There is nothing to hesitate to turn Seraphim into his possession!

"Vinirana, come here to help too."

The evil light flashed in his eyes, Tianluo said.

Quite strangely glanced at the sky, but Venirana did not refuse, came over from one side, and then seized Serafullu's hands with Guelefia.

"Woo ... let me go, let me go!"

"Gurefia, Auntie Venilana, you can't do this to me!"

Having already guessed what was going to happen, Seraphim was completely flustered, constantly struggling and even begging to look at Winelana.

The abominable Chilong Emperor and Guletia are impossible. They are both eager to train her, and now the only one who can save her is Vinirana.

However, what makes Seraphlu despairing is--

"Seraphro, bear with me, you will thank us in the future."

There was a hint of intolerance in his eyes, but Vinylana said.

Anxious and annoyed, Seraphim was cold under him.

"No, I don't!"

"Woo ..."

Without giving Syracuse another chance to speak, Tianluo blocked her lips again.

Gurefia and Venilana are violently restraining Xyla Fulu from letting her move, while Tian Luo is verbal and uses her to do evil on Xyla Fulu.

Let Seraphim become their companion, and the training begins!

More violent stimuli came to his mind than before, and Seraphlu's will was smashed into pieces in an instant.

"Canna sauce ..."

My sister's appearance involuntarily appeared in my mind, but it was only a moment when all the pictures were broken ...

To be continued ...

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