Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 481: Devil's Polar Paradise

Chapter 0481 the extreme paradise of the devil

"Stop it, Emperor Chilong!"

"Master Symphony, Master Symphony!"

"Master Gulfia, Master Venirana, you cannot do this!"

Seeing that his master was going to be tainted and tuned by these demons, the family members of Xyla Lulu kept struggling and shouting, but they were locked in their hands and feet by [Laojun's Jinzhuo], and they were self-care. Nothing can be done.

"Don't worry, it's your turn soon."

Looking at the magical girls, Gurefiah smiled coldly, and then pulled her clothes to pieces with a strong pull.

"Don't ... don't ..."



Expanded the [time domain], in the following time, what Tianluo, Guleifeia, and Venirana did was to constantly adjust and tune the Seraphim!

Although it has been decided to turn Seraphim into an associate of herself and others, she is Cangna's sister anyway, and they have a good relationship with Vinylana, so Tianluo didn't try to forcibly distort Sierra. Furu's will and soul.

Since she could not distort her will and soul, all she could do was to tune her body, so that every inch and every inch of her body was engraved with the mark of heaven and earth.

The specific method is to give it unparalleled happiness and satisfaction, so that the body of Seraphim can no longer be separated from the sky!

Degraded, the room was filled with dirty and evil pictures. With the help of Gurefia and Venilana, Tian Luo savored this delicious prey to the fullest, and at the same time, she used the ability of [Five Sense Control] to give her supreme joy and make Seraphlu's body thoroughly Remember or even be obsessed with this feeling.

Every day and every day repeated, Seraphlu was able to continue to curse at the beginning, but it gradually became begging for mercy, and only simple screaming was left behind.

The despair of coldness underneath her heart, Seraphim knew that the three iron-hearted demons would never let her go before she was completely fallen.

And not only Syla Fuluo, but also her family members have been dealt poisonous hands.

Seeing their masters and sisters insulted and humiliated by the three demons, then they went to the same fate themselves!

Soon, the time in the Temple of the Holy Demon arrived one month later ...


"Tell me, Symphony, do you want more?"

"Don't ... I don't ..."

The whole room was shrouded in a pink atmosphere, a paralyzed and beautiful body lying on the ground in a mess, and on the other side not far away, Guletia, Symphony, and Winnie Lana was still indulging in love.

After a month of unremitting efforts, Syla Fuluo's tuning has almost come to an end.

Under the deliberate intention of Tian Luo, Seraphlu's will and personality were perfectly preserved, but her body was completely fallen and surrendered.

It's like now, although her mouth shouts no, her body is more active and honest than anyone else!

Moreover, because of the ability to continuously perform the "five senses manipulation" on Seraphim and her family members, Tianluo even developed this artifact with a forbidden hand.

Its name is-[Devil's Extreme Paradise]!

The five senses of the human body directly or indirectly affect the various desires and emotions of the human body. For example, when you see beautiful women, you will have lustre. For example, when you smell the aroma of cooking, you will have appetite. For example, when you hear noisy sounds, your mood will change. It's irritating and so on.

[Devil's Extreme Paradise] is the forbidden hand that Tianluo developed from [Five Sense Control] based on this. Without these external stimuli, as long as someone is in the realm of Extreme Paradise, Tianluo can directly affect even Manipulating each other's desires and emotions!

Just like at this time, the entire room has been transformed into the realm of polar paradise, and the pink breath permeated in the room is able to stimulate the human body's lust, even if any virgin and pure virgin can not resist its attack.

Vinylana and Seraphim needless to say, even Gurefia, who has always been cold, is also bewildered at this moment, the beautiful face is full of intoxicating red glow.

Obviously they can still maintain a clear self, but they can't control their desires.

Wanting to fall, wanting to indulge, they want to get the genes of God's fall!


Constantly asking for plunder, finally, this crazy feast finally came to an end with the low roar of the sky.

[Devil's Extreme Paradise] The collapse and disintegration, the pink breath disappeared, and the three daughters of Tianluo and Gulei Feia gasped.

Although she was extremely happy and satisfied, she was exhausted. Tianluo and the three women did not want to move even one finger. Several people entangled and fell asleep ...


Don't know how long it has passed, Tian Luo yawned and opened his eyes.

Gurefia and Winelana are still lying around Tianluo, but Xyla Furu has woke up and is sitting on Tianluo's body and staring at him ...

"Red Dragon Emperor !!!"

The voice was cold, the girl's eyes were full of shame, anger and even killing, and various complex emotions were intertwined.

However, Tianluo didn't care, and raised his hand to gently touch the cheeks of Seraphim:

"Oh oh, Symphony."

At the moment when Tianluo was touched, Seraphim trembled and then the whole person fell to Tianluo weakly.

"Seraphlu, you are welcome to join, and obediently obey in the future."

Looking down at Syracuse's ear, Tian Luo whispered viciously.

"Woohoo ... you all bully me."

Sad and indignant, Seraphim shed tears of humiliation.

Although she still maintains her ego, her body is completely degenerate and succumbs. She likes and even desires to be enjoyed by the bully of the Red Dragon Emperor, and she can't do without this devil!

Woke up by the voices of the two, Gurefia and Vinillana opened their eyes as well--

"Syla Fleuro, why are you crying, you will not be cute when you become a little cat."

Consoling Seraphim, Vinylana wiped her tears.

However, not only did Verina Lana's comfort not make Seraphlu better, she felt even more sad.

"Ancient and ancient Lefia, Aunt Vinylana, I hate you!"

Except for the abominable Chilong Emperor, these two women are unforgivable. They bullied her and tuned her with Chilong Emperor, making her what she is now.

Gurefia sneered, and she didn't care about Seraphlu's hatred, but Vinelana's eyes flashed a sadness, and then she said:

"Syraflu, we are sorry for you, but we really need your strength."

"If you want to hate, hate it, but I will always see you as my child who loves you."

"Woohoo ..."

To be continued ...

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