Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 482: Erotic Seeds

Item 0482

In the room, Venirana gently dressed Tianluo like his wife, and not only a short distance away, Seraphulu and her family members also changed into a cute magic girl costume.

"You bastard, they have done that kind of thing to Sha Sha, they already have people they like!"

Feeling uneasy about her family members, Syrah stared at the sky with a gasp.

"Sand, come here."

Tianluo shouted at the magical girl named Shasha, and Shasha came over obediently.

"Tell me, who do you like now?"

Supporting the girl's chin, Tianluo asked.

"I like Lord Chilong Emperor ..."

His cheeks were reddish, and Shasha replied.

"You see it, Syla Fruh."

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he looked at Syracuse in a joke, then lowered his head and pinched his thin lips.

Seraphim just conquered her body and did not distort her personality and self, but these family members of Seraphim have been tamed by the heavens and minds physically and mentally!

Although a bit shy, Sha Sha responded incomparably, and the two entangled themselves for a long time before they separated.

"Abominable, abominable, abominable!"

Looking at Sha Sha's smooth and happy appearance, Seraph Lu gritted her teeth, but was helpless.

The abominable Chilong Emperor, really brought them to the table this time!

"Seraphlu, when you return to the underworld, don't fight grass or snakes, and don't investigate the Biblical God. What happened in the past is still temporary."

Already planning to release Syracuse, they left, Tianluo ordered.

"Hum, why should I listen to you, you will go if I don't let me!"

With a sigh of coldness, Xyla Fulu deliberately contradicted with Tianluo.

Grinning, Tian Luo said nothing. Although Seraphim is so rebellious now, she will definitely obey Tianluo's orders.

Skyfall is very confident!

What came to mind, Tianluo walked to Xyla Fulu's body, and then gently touched Xia Fulu's forehead with two fingers.

A gorgeous rune unfolded on the forehead of Seraphim, then disappeared into her body.

"You, what did you do to me?"

Covering his forehead, Xyla Furu could not help but flutter back.

"One good thing, you'll know after that."

Tian Luo had a mysterious smile on her face, but her eyes fell in the eyes of Seraphim.

That's definitely not a good thing!

"Well, you can all leave."

"Sand, Nami, let's go!"

Seeing that Tian Luo didn't want to explain to herself, Xyla Lulu stomped angrily.

Just go, anyway, she didn't want to stay here any more for a moment!

The magical girls saluted to Tianluo, Vinirana, and Gulfia, then started the teleportation and left the temple with Syla Fuluo.

"You're still soft-hearted, why don't you let Seraphim completely obey you."

Watching the Seraphim daughters leave, Gurefia said coldly.

"Symphony is also Canna's sister anyway, and I can't overdo it."

"Again, isn't this kind of Symphony the cutest?"

The corner of his mouth slightly raised, Tianluo said.

With a quiet hum, Gu Lei Fei said nothing more, and Vene Lana aside fell into the arms of the sky--

"Xiaotianluo, what did you do to Seraphim just now, it's okay not to tell her to tell us?"

"I planted a [seed] in her body, and it would happen in her body once every month, and then she would come to me obediently."

Venirana was curious about what Tian Luo had done, and Tian Luo no longer concealed the evil rays flashing in her eyes.

[Seed of Sexual Desire] is somewhat similar to [Seed of Faith]. It is considered as an artifact [Five Sense Control]. It has a branching ability after the hand is banned. Tian Luo can plant a "seed" into the body of another person and set After this time, this seed will play its role in the other's body.

For example, the “Frustrated Seed” can make people suddenly become very frustrated, the “Happy Seed” can make people feel inexplicably happy, the “Angry Seed” can make people suddenly angry, and there are many other, many Emotions and desires are all right.

Tianluo planted a Seraphim in the body, a seed of lust, which would occur in her body once every month, and then her body would be craving for the favor of Tianluo.

By then, hey ...

"Little bad guy, Xylaflu can't escape the palm of your hand, you really are the nemesis of our woman."

It's not clear what's going on, Vinillana sighed.

Even the ability to deal specifically with their women was developed from artifacts, and there is only this little bad guy in this world!

"Do you want to try it too, my mother-in-law?"

Stroking Venilana's mature and beautiful face, Tian Luo asked with a smile.

"Do I still need that kind of thing?"

Venirana glanced strangely at the sky.

The reason why Seraphlu was planted with [Seeds] was to make her come to her regularly and obediently. In the future, it was not necessary for Vinirana's words to be raised in the Holy Temple like a canary. She is on standby almost at any time, as long as Tianluo wants to come in and enjoy at any time!

Looking at this peerless gift in her arms, Tian Luo became so hot that she couldn't help but lowered her head and caught her soft lips ...

It was ridiculous again and again, and it took a long time for Tianluo to leave the Holy Temple with Gu Lei Feia, and appeared in the air outside.

Because of the [time domain], although one month has passed in the holy temple, the outside world is only one night.

The star star flickered in the eastern sky, and the sleepy earth was gradually recovering.

He didn't say anything, Gurefia directly integrated into the shadow of the sky.

The existence of Gurefiah can't be exposed yet. It can only serve the sky in the shadows as the shadow of the sky, but when the Bible **** is solved in the future, she can appear brightly beside the sky. Right.

"Let's go back……"

After yawning, Tian Luo murmured, and then activated the ability of [Space Jump], and flew back to the room of Shenye's own house.

As when they left, the three daughters of Maliu, Brent and Shulia are still asleep.

It seemed to be aware of the breath of heaven, and Maliu opened his eyes in the middle of Brent and Shulia—

"Master Tianluo, welcome back."

With a slight smile, Tian Luo took off her clothes, and then picked up Maliu and lay among the girls.

"Continue to sleep."


To be continued ...

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