Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 483: Low two-day dragon


Near the end of the period, Ube Luna was standing on the podium to give everyone a lecture.

Near the window, Orpheus was sitting on the sky with a lollipop on his lap, and babbling from time to time.

The serious high school class always felt that Orpheus had made some pictures collapse, but everyone in the class had already been accustomed to seeing that it was not strange.

From time to time, Orpheus's small head is stunned. At the same time, Tian Luo's mind is immersed in his own sea of ​​spirit:

"Drager, Albion, what's wrong with you? It's been low lately."

Looking at Dlegg and Albion who were lying on each other without a fight, Tianluo asked.

Since the last time they returned from the vampire realm, Draeger and Albion have been a little strange. At first, they did n’t care much about it. After all, they are two female tyrannosaurus. As long as they are female, they will have each month For a few days.

What surprised Tian Luo is that this state has not been alleviated. Recently, Dlegg and Albion were very depressed, and even talked a lot less than before.

Although it does not affect the fighting, when they are needed, they will continue to provide strength to Tianluo and Li Yasi, but as their host, Tianluo feels that they still have the responsibility and obligation to care for them.

"Partner, you are the most powerful host I and Albion have ever been, and the fastest growing human we have ever seen. Maybe it won't be long before you don't need our strength."

He looked up, Draeger said.

"Hey, Draeger, what stupid thing are you talking about? You and Albion are both my most important helpers, how could I not need your strength."

Tian Luo is not saying anything polite, but he really thinks so.

Although Tianluo now has a lot of artifacts, even if there are several powerful divinities, there is no doubt that Tianluo's most important thing is to stay in the soul of Draeger and Albion [Cage of the Red Dragon Emperor] And [White Dragon Emperor's Light Wing], their strength is also the most used in normal combat.

"Godnight falls, this matter has nothing to do with you, it's a problem between me and Dlegg."

Albion also said, his tone was as indifferent as ever.

"Your question?"

The doubts under heaven fell even higher.

"Partner, Albion and I are both dead, and now only the soul is lodged in the artifact. Our source of power can no longer continue to grow, and it is already the best result to be able to maintain without receding."

"The last time I fought with cromcruach, that guy has grown to the rank of Denon. To be honest, this feeling of being caught up is really uncomfortable, but it also made me and Albion realize our status quo."

"Partner your growth is too fast, even no one used to describe it before, it ca n’t be overstated. As you grow, there will be fewer and fewer places that we can help you. We will even become your burden in the future if we lose the possibility of growth not always."

"No, it must be that situation."

Dlegg explained to Tian Luo, in his tone with the complexity and loss that can't be concealed.

The dignified Ertianlong would even worry about becoming a burden to others. Such things would not be believed, but it is a fact.

They can no longer continue to grow, and one day their power will be worth mentioning to Tianluo!

For the proud Ertian Dragon, this is indeed an unacceptable thing.

"That's the case. You have been bothered by this recently."

Nodded, Tian Luo almost understood what was going on.

Although it felt a little funny, Tian Luo was able to understand the mood of Dlegg and Albion.

In addition to understanding, I also moved a little bit under my heart.

This guy, Dlegg, occasionally says something sensational!

"It is true that you and Draeger and Albion have lost the possibility of growth. Even if I can no longer develop the ability of artifacts, I will not be able to break the limit of your power. If you continue to do this, one day you will not keep up with me Right. "

"Partner, even if we talk about it ourselves, it's really sad that you say so."

"Hahaha ... I want to see how sad you are, Draeger!"

"God is falling all night, and you really are a wicked man."

"Okay, just kidding. In fact, it's easy to solve this problem, isn't it? Just revive you!"

Stopped the laughter, and then Tianluo said.

"Let's rise again? !!!"

Dlegg gave a huge surprise.

"Ah, let you be resurrected. As long as you are resurrected, can you continue to grow? In this case, you don't have to worry about being dropped by me or becoming a burden on me."

"Can this be done?"

Tian Luo's eyes flashed with light, Dlegg was still unbelievable.

"Drager, how have you become so dull lately, have you forgotten about Glendale? Rezevim can use the power of the Holy Grail to resurrect the dead evil dragon. Naturally this can be done. "

"It really seems like this."

The sky was silent for a while, and Dlegg finally showed a sorrow.

"God is falling all night, if you and I resurrected Dlegg, wouldn't you worry that we would betray you or leave you? You should be clear, if we were resurrected, we would no longer be bound by the artifact."

Staring directly into the sky, Albion began.

"Hum, you dare!"

"If you dare to betray me, I will stab you severely until I get deflated! If I dare to run away, I will capture you even at the ends of the earth!"

"You are all my strength, just to use it for me forever and ever!"

With his mouth raised, Tianluo didn't seem to worry about these things at all.

"Hahaha ... this is really your style!"

Haha laughed, and the whole sea of ​​spirits echoed with the thunderous laughter of Adelaide.

Want to be the master of their two-day dragon, really have this domineering!

Silently staring at the sky for a long time, Albion finally said nothing more.

After returning home from school, Tian Luo also told Dale and Albion about Lias and Zanna. When they heard that Tian Luo wanted to resurrect Dlegg and Albion, there was no surprise that both women were extremely surprised.

If it had been before, Lias and Zana would never agree to such crazy things.

The legendary two dragons are fiercely famous. Although they are not as cruel and bloodthirsty as those evil dragons, they are also two very wayward guys. Frequent fights here and there create disaster troubles for others, and even in ancient wars, angels, fallen angels, and demons had to stop the war and join forces to confront them.

However, now the two daughters of Lias and Cangna have not stopped.

Having experienced many battles together, the two women have long regarded Dlegg and Albion as their companions.

What's more, their family already has an even more terrifying Dragon Lord. It doesn't matter if there are two more Dragons. As long as one of them falls, you don't need to worry about anything.

The decision to resurrect Dlegg and Albion is so decided, but to really resurrect them, they need to do a lot of preparations ...

To be continued ...

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