Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 484: Conditions for resurrection


Although Tianluo now possesses the [Holy Grail] and basically masters the ability of the Holy Grail, it cannot directly resurrect a dead being.

Two conditions must be fulfilled to resurrect a dead being, one is the soul and the other is the body.

If the souls have disappeared, it will not be possible to resurrect them, but for Draeger and Albion, this is not a problem. Their souls have been housed in artifacts and are kept intact.

The most important thing about reviving Draeger and Albion is the physical problem.

Although the holy grail has the healing power of resurrection, it can't make a body out of nothing, so you need to prepare a body for Dlegg and Albion through other methods. The role of the holy grail is almost to stimulate the body. Activate, and then let the soul fuse with the body to achieve the effect of "resurrection".

Moreover, the prepared body is also very particular. Although casually finding two bodies can also revive Dlegg and Albion, but doing so will have an extremely serious impact on them. If the body is too Weak words will directly weaken their strength, and the dignified Ertian Dragon will probably become the second waste dragon.

If you can, it's better to use Dlegg's own body, or use their cells to rebuild a body for them, but their bodies were already angels and fallen in the original war. The strong men of angels and demons joined forces to blast into a puppet, even if some stumps and bones were left so long ago, they had been corrupted and could not be found at all.

So, after thinking about it, in the end, they can only use the cells of other people to make two bodies for them.

In order to better fit the strength of Dlegg and Albion, the cell provider should preferably be a dragon, and considering the future plasticity and growth, the provider's body should be stronger than their original body. Or it's pretty good.

The Dragons themselves are known for their powerful physiques. Only pure physiques, whether demons, angels, fallen angels, or even vampires, etc., no race in this world can be stronger than them, and as a two-day dragon Draeger and Albion are top-level beings even among the dragons. In this world, there are only a handful of dragons that can surpass or even stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

It would be a difficult problem to solve for others, but it is very simple for Tianluo.

After all, he has a little dragon **** pet!

Orpheus's cells are definitely qualified to make Dlegg and Albion's bodies. If they are successful, they will even be of great benefit to Dlegg and Albion!

Do it when you think of it. Tianluo held his little pet and explained the reason for the matter to Orpheus, and then said:

"That's about it, Orpheus, could you give me some of your cells and let me make the body for Dreeg and Albion to resurrect?"

Although taking some cells was not important to Orpheus, her consent was still required to respect her.

Holding a small snack, Orpheus looked up at the sky and blinked his big eyes:

"it is good."

As simple as ever, Orpheus lowered her head and held her snacks after speaking.

Although it was the expected result, Orpheus was still a little happy to be able to agree with Tianluo, allowing Maliu and Brent to double the snacks of Orpheus, and then Tianluo cut it from her little head. Got a hair.

As a sample of cloned cells, a single hair is enough.

The next thing is to formally make the body. Although you can ask Arshel or the underworld, Tianluo does not plan to let others know that he is going to resurrect the two-day dragon, so he finally decided to let the vampire go do.

At the time, Lezevim and Mallo Zepez did many holy grail research and experiments. Although the guys of Zepez are now finished, their original equipment should still be preserved, plus There are also researchers on the vampire side, and it shouldn't be difficult for them to make two bodies from Orpheus cells.

Arrived in Alme's room, Tian Luo asked Alme to contact Queen Camilla's side, and explained to her the whole story, and asked them to help him create the body used by Draeger and Albion to resurrect .

Having completely surrendered to Tianluo, Queen Carmela naturally would not refuse any "request" from Tianluo, and she readily agreed.

After finishing the communication, Elme launched a small teleportation magic, transmitting Orpheus' hair to the vampire's side, and then a smile on his face:

"Master Tianluo, teleportation has passed."

"Tough work, Alme."

"No, no, I'm glad I can help Master Tianluo ..."

Tianluo stroked Ermei's forehead, and Ermei hurriedly waved.

Already adapted to the life here, today's Elme can't see the arrogant look at all, she is smart and capable, and super cute. Tian Luo naturally likes this girl very much, even Lei Weier's proud little girl has recognized and even very much liked her.

"Let's go out."


The matter has been dealt with, Tianluo and Elme are also preparing to return to the outside hall, but after taking two steps, Elme is soft under her feet and her body falls to the ground.

Eyes are fast, hands fall fast, and the girl is hugged--

"Erme, what's wrong with you?"

"I, I'm fine, Lord Tianluo ..."

Jiang Zemin wanted to stand up. Although Ermei said in her mouth that she was fine, how she thought she was okay.

"do not move."

Tianluo sternly ordered, and then input an aura to detect the condition of Elme's body.

"How long haven't you sucked blood?"

I almost understood what was going on, Tian Luo sighed and asked.

"Quick, almost a month."

Elme whispered back.

It's almost a month, which means that she hasn't sucked blood since she came here.

Unlike those who are reincarnated or mixed races, pure blood vampires must **** blood to survive. If they do n’t **** for a long time, they will not only be hungry but also lose strength.

"Why not **** blood."


Facing Tianluo's questioning, Elme seemed to be a little embarrassed, but in the end, he talked about it.

However, after listening to Elmena's so-called reason, Tianluo was crying and laughing ...

To be continued ...

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