Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 487: Confession by Rose Weiser

FTLN 0487 I am a lord.

It ’s not someone else who came to Tianluo. They are [Chariot], the family member of Lias, from the Nordic goddess Ross Weiser!

Holding the towel on her body tightly, she walked cautiously, and couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Rosewell and the daughters of Lias.

Perhaps because of her family education from a young age, Rose Weiser belongs to the more reserved women, and even can be said to be conservative. Normally, she would basically not participate in such mixed bathing. Today, the sun came out west.

In addition to usually studying magic, she also trains her body. Rose Weiser generally belongs to that beautiful type of beauty. Although she is wrapped firmly in a bath towel, she still cannot hide her perfect figure.

With his eyes brightened, Tian Luo snorted twice, while Liaise and Zhu Nai at the same time stretched out a jade hand and twisted on the soft flesh around Tian Luo's waist.

"Liyas, Miss Canna, I want to ask you to promise me one thing."

Seemingly a little embarrassed, Rose Weiser came over and said.

"It's really rare, let's talk about anything, Rose Weiser."

It was unexpected but also a little bit happy, Lias said.

As a Valkyrie, Rose Weiser's magical accomplishments are as strong as her self-life abilities. She usually handles everything, no matter how big or small, and has never had trouble with other people at home.

Although it was a good thing that Rose Weiser was so outstanding, Li Yasi was also a bit troubled by it. Too good Rose Weiser left her nothing to help and care for her. Instead, she was a dependent Rose. Wether has been helping herself.

This time, Rose Weisser needed to ask for her own place, so Lias was very interested.

"I want to ask Tianluo to do me a favor."

Hesitating a little, Rose Weiser said, and Wen Sheng Tian Luo and Li Yasi's girls couldn't help showing the strangeness.

If you want to find Tianluo's help, just look for Tianluo. Why should Lias and Cangna agree?

"We had to get our consent first, and it seems that this matter is also relevant to us."

After wiping the mist on the lens and putting on his own glasses, the corner of the adult's mouth raised an arc.


His face was so red, then Rose Weiser seemed to make some kind of determination, and looked at the sky next to him:

"Shen Ye Tian Luo, please, please be my boyfriend!"


Speaking of these words, Rose Weiser seemed to have exhausted all his courage, and the entire bath became extremely silent for a moment, and then broke out suddenly--


"Mr. Luo and Rosemiser are very bold."

"It's worthy of Brother Bro. Is that great heroic finally sublime the Valkyrie?"

"Sure enough, even Rose Weiser couldn't escape the evil palms ..."

"Uh-huh, I also know that there will be this day, but I did not expect it to be Roswicker's side!"

"Confession, is that confession? It is indeed Miss Rose Weiser."

As you say me, the girls are staring at Rose Weiser, who confessed to the sky.

Some exclaimed, some curious, some admired ...

All in all, everyone's attention was attracted by a word of Rose Weisser, and even Orpheus, who was potentially in the water, was curiously watching her while spitting bubbles.

"That's the case, because Lias and I are the official contractor in Tianluo, did you want our consent?"

"Rose Wether, I didn't expect you to ..."

The eyes flickered, and Cang nodded and nodded, while Lias had a complex look on her face.

She did not expect that it was this kind of thing that Rose Weiser wanted to ask her to promise!

"Rossweiser, although I'm also very happy, but you don't have to say it in front of everyone, just come to my room and say it later."

Tian Luo also patted Roswell's shoulder.

"No, no, not what you think."

She was flushed with blush, and Rose Weisser continued to wave her hands, then quickly explained, everyone knew that it was just a misunderstanding.

Rose Weiser is a Valkyrie from Northern Europe. In addition to her parents who work and perform tasks all year round, she also has a grandmother living in the countryside of her hometown in Northern Europe.

As a filial young girl, Rose Weiser often kept in touch with her grandmother, and often received her salary back to her Nordic hometown to subsidize her family.

But is this elderly person concerned about the younger generation? It's nothing more than a few things. Is there enough food or clothing? The recent work has gone smoothly.

Of course, the most important thing is whether you have found a boyfriend? !!

No matter if you are a demon or a human, even the Valkyrie cannot escape the fate of being married by the elders in the family.

It's not good to marry at any old age, not many good men should grab their hands early, it's not good to be alone outside, if we have a boyfriend, we can rest assured.

All in all, as soon as Rose Weiser's head was annoyed by his grandmother's grown-up, a sentence came directly—

"I already have a boyfriend, grandma, you don't need to worry!"

This is not a big deal at first, it's just a good-faith lie.

Not only does his grandmother do not worry about himself, but also makes himself quiet.

However, what made Rose Weisser collapse was that her grandmother had to come and see for herself!

At this time, do you tell your grandmother that you are lying and are lying to her?

No matter how you look at it, you will be scolded!

There is no way Roswicker can only perform a set of plots that have been rotten in those bubble dramas--

Find someone to impersonate your boyfriend!

There are almost all female companions and friends around me. There are only a handful of men that Roseway knows and knows. The only thing that meets the requirements is Skyfall, so there are those things that happened above. .

"It turned out to just make me a fake boyfriend."

Tian Luo murmured, and Lias gave him a nasty look:

"Why, isn't it really so disappointing?"

He smiled awkwardly, and Tianluo didn't say anything anymore. At this time, it is really king to keep quiet.

"Liyas, the sky is falling, please, please, this is my lifelong request!"

Looking at Tian Luo and Li Yasi, Rose Weiser asked with great sincerity.

"Rossweiser, you really do it yourself."

Lias sighed.

"Woo ... I know it too, but I can't help but get it wrong right now."

Holding her own hair, Rose Weiser looked arrogant.

"Rossweiser, you are my dependent, and we will help you unconditionally, no matter what."

"Canna, is there any problem with you?"

She comforted Rose Weisser, and Lias looked at the next Canna.

"No, it's just pretending to be a boyfriend, and I'm looking forward to something so interesting."

Asking Cangna chuckled.

"Well, it's so decided, let Tian Luo pretend to be Rose Weiser's boyfriend!"

Nodded, and Lias said.

"Hey, my highness, do you not ask my opinion?"

"What else do you think?"

The sky was silent for a while, and then Liyas and Zanna looked at Tianlu with a smile.

The cold sweat came out at once, and the sky fell and succumbed--

"Well, I didn't ..."

To be continued ...

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