Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 488: He is my boyfriend

Chapter 0488 he is my boyfriend

A few days passed by, and finally came the day when Grandma Roswiss was going to visit.

In order to welcome the upcoming VIPs, Maliu and Brent are cleaning up the VIP rooms that have not been used for a long time, while Aisha, Revelle, Jiuzhong and Valerie are preparing refreshments to entertain guests.


The petite man was hiding under the table, and Orpheus was secretly eating the handmade cakes that Aisha had just baked, and their little mouths were stuffed.

"Ah, wicked Orpheus, that's for entertaining guests!"

"Spit it out, spit it out for me!"

"Levelle sauce, it's okay, let's give this to Lord Orpheus. Let's grill more."

Just seeing a scene in the kitchen, Tian Luo couldn't help laughing.

Speaking of Lei Weier, she didn't know how to make dishes, refreshments, etc. As a little princess of the Phoenix family, she naturally didn't need to do those things.

I don't remember when it started, Levier was also studying with Aisha and Jiuzhong. Although it was all about making some dark dishes in the beginning, the craftsmanship has become very good now.

In order to prevent Orpheus from continuing to steal food, Tianluo also carried her out of the kitchen.

"Luffy, come here."

"What's the matter, Lord?"

Tian Luo shouted to Luffy on one side, and Luffy hurried over.

It ’s been a short time since I came here, and I have concluded a magician contract with Tianluo. I also pay close attention to and like this capable and well-behaved magician girl Tianluo.

"The guest is coming soon, can you please stay in the room to be optimistic about Orpheus? After all, we can't let others know what Orpheus is doing with us."

"Okay, Lord."

Tianluo said, and Lu Fei nodded.

"Orpheus, don't run around until you leave, don't come out of the room before the guests leave. I will let the cats prepare them for you. If you are bored, let Lu Fei play games with you."

"it is good."

Tianluo also ordered Orpheus to answer ambiguously while eating cookies.

After looking at the time, it was almost the same time, Tian Luo gave Orpheus to Lu Fei, and then came to the underground transfer room with the daughters of Lias.

There is a complex magic array in the middle of the floor of the transfer room. It is a transfer coordinate that locates the location of the God's Night House. For the first time guests from a distance, you can send the coordinates directly to the pair.

It's the agreed time. Under everyone's attention, the magic circle suddenly emits a dazzling light, and at the same time countless light and dust flashes and then a female figure condenses.

The woman was wearing a blue robe, with a good manner and a light makeup. It looks like he is only 34 years old and is not old, and is quite similar to Rose Weiser.

"Hello, everyone, demon, I am Rose Weser's grandmother Gerndal."

Looking at the sky and the daughters, Rosemiser's grandmother said.

"Hello, Ms. Gerndal, this is Liath Greymore."

"I'm Canna Sidi."

"God falls by night."


Tian Luo, Li Yasi, and Zhi Cang Na also introduced themselves and expressed their welcome to each other.

"I've heard a lot about you from Rose Weiser, and my impenetrable granddaughter has been taking care of you."

"You're so kind, Rose Weiser is an excellent Valkyrie and dependents, and she has always been helping us."

The grandmother of Lias and Rose Weisser gave a few words, and Rose Weisser's grandmother also showed a smile, then looked at Rose Weisser aside:

"Rose Wether."

Called by his own grandma, Rose Weiser's face was bitter, and he seemed quite reluctant, but he came out:


"It looks like you're doing pretty well here."

After looking up and down Rose Weiser, Gerndal nodded, and then said:

"We'll talk about your business later, but don't think about being able to escape."

"I, I see ..."

With her head bowed, Rose Weiser really had zero aura in front of his grandma.

In order to make a clearance for her, Tianluo and Li Yasi daughters hurriedly shifted the topic, and then took Gerndal to the VIP room that was already prepared. The Aisha girls also served the fresh refreshments to entertain the guests, and then everyone settled down.

A few people politely turned over, and the atmosphere was a lot more relaxed, and then everyone also talked about the purpose of Guerndal's visit-

"That is to say, Ms. Gerndal will also attend the magician's party in Agres soon?"

"Yes, there have been many cases of bizarre disappearances of magicians who have studied ancient magic and forbidden magic. Although there is no conclusive evidence, it should be those terrorists who do evil."

"In order to discuss a response plan, someone organized the party, and I was one of the people invited."

"In addition, Miss Canna also invited me to her school to give a lecture."

After hearing Gerndal's words, Tianluo and the daughters couldn't help looking at Cangna.

"Ms. Gerndal is a very famous senior throughout the magic world, and it is my pleasure to invite you."

Considering Gendal's remarks, Cangna was also laughed.

Although there were some small accidents, Tianluo and the girls also knew what was going on.

The school that Cangna has always dreamed of has been completed, and immediately after the trial run, Tianluo and Li Yasi will come together to help, which is already agreed by everyone.

Next, we discussed some other things.

According to the schedule, Gerndal will stay in Komaga Town for a few days, and then wait for the magician's party and the school's event to start with the sky to the underworld together.

Almost everything has been negotiated, and the next time is to chat--

"I heard that Ms. Gerndal was a Valkyrie like Rose Weiser before."

Leas couldn't help laughing as she dropped the tea cup.

"That's a long time ago, and the current Valkyrie is very different from before. I always said that Rose Weiser was out of control and inappropriate, but she just didn't listen."

Gerndal shook his head, Rose Weiss blushed, and everyone in the room gave a good smile.

"Rose Wether, let's talk about you now."

When she heard her grandmother's words, Rose Weiser trembled.

Is it finally here!

"You have many good female companions around you, but there is only one male."

"That is to say, the person you think is him?"

Looking down at Tian Luo, Gerndal asked.

The atmosphere in the room became subtle in a moment, and Rose Weiser was flustered and nagging, but eventually nodded his head rashly—

"No, yes, he's my boyfriend, Chilong Emperor God falls by night."

To be continued ...

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