Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 490: Go on a date

Item 0490

"So it is ..."

After hearing Gerndal's words, the daughters of Liyas suddenly realized that their eyes looking at Tianluo became softer, but Tianluo herself secretly wiped the cold sweat.

It is indeed that a man is mature, and he has dug a pit in a few words. Fortunately, he was really sincere to all of them, otherwise I'm afraid he would be in trouble today.

"Rossweiser, how long have you been dating?"

Looking at his granddaughter, Gerndal asked again.

"Three or three months."

Bowing her head, Rose Weiss replied rather guilty.

"It's been three months and you haven't even had a relationship? Most of the girls here have become real women. How much are you behind?"

Gerndal exclaimed incredulously, and the daughters of Lias had blood on their cheeks.

Even at a glance, you can see that most of the girls here have become real women. How old are your eyes, grandma!

And yeah, is it really okay to say such things?

"This, this, we are not married yet ..."

"Besides, I have this concept of chastity, and it is also the result of your grandma's brainwashing from childhood!"

Rose Weiser was too ashamed, and then shouted.

"I'm not letting you not agree with each other before you get married, but you need to make sure that you don't take advantage of those **** men."

"Once you meet a really good man, you have to hurry up. You can see that everyone knows that Jie Zu first comes, how much are you behind?"

"How do I know, grandma, what do you mean ?!"

"So you are stupid, as long as you find a good man and get married quickly, nothing will happen."

"Knot, get married? !!!"

The grandparents and grandchildren quarreled, and the topic seemed to be moving in an increasingly strange direction.

Although the words of the grandmother seemed to be full of wisdom and philosophy of life, the embarrassing Zhu Nai and the daughters of Aisha could not stay any longer, and they quickly found excuses to leave:

"Sorry, I'll get some tea."

"I, I will help too!"

Not long after, everyone flees, apart from the two grandchildren of Gerndal and Rose Weisser, there are only a few people, such as Tianluo, Li Yasi, Zhi Cangna, and Eubeluna.

"Oh, it's okay to talk about marriage for the time being."

He seemed to find himself speaking too far, and Gernda calmed down and calmed down his emotions.

"Although you haven't had a relationship between men and women, should dating have been done?"

"Neither this nor this ..."

"Don't even have a date ?!"

Staring at Roseveld inconceivably, the grandmother's mood finally calmed down again excitedly.

"Rossweiser, wouldn't you lie to me, in fact you haven't found a boyfriend at all?"

With a frown on his face, Gerndal looked at Slosswell, and those eyes full of wisdom seemed to be skeptical.

"No, no, grandma, I ..."

Even her grandmother found the clue, and Rose Weiser was a little nervous.

Things have come to such a point, if you let grandma know that she is lying to her, she will be scolded!

"Senior Genda, it's not what you think."

"Actually, I always wanted to invite Rose Weisser to date, but Rose Weisser was a kind of reserved girl, and I was always busy with work, so I didn't promise me."

"But in my opinion, this should also be a test for Roseway."

Knowing that Rose Weiser was almost unable to resist, Tian Luo scratched his head and said.

Looking at Tianluo's sincere face, Liyas and Zhi Cangna couldn't help rolling her eyes, this guy really acted like that.

"That's it, Ross Weiser, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Brow stretched, and Gerndal let go of his suspicion and said with a little blame.


Very shameful, but Rose Weiser also breathed a sigh of relief, at the same time cast a gratitude to the sky.

"Although girls want to hold back and test the boys, they can't do too much."

"Chi Longdi is a reliable boy, and I have confirmed that."

"Rossweiser, go and date the Red Dragon Emperor, this is my order to you as your grandma."

He nodded, and then Gerndal spoke amazingly.

"Dating with the sky, dating?"

"No, no, grandma, we ..."

Rose Weiser was in chaos again, but Gerndal interrupted her directly:

"Well, that's it!"

"Although I don't want to get involved in the free love of my granddaughter at will, letting you play such a mess will only ruin this rare marriage."

"Rossweiser, you're going to date with Red Dragon Emperor tomorrow. I'll stay in this town for a few days, so don't think about lying or perfunctory things, I will ask you well later Will ask Chilong Emperor. "

With a serious expression on his face, Gerndal looked at Tian Luo again:

"Chi Longdi, shouldn't you have any problems here?"

"No, being able to date Rose Weiser is something I always look forward to."

Touching his nose, he replied with a sorrow.

Your grandmother, your aura is so powerful now, can I have any questions?

"Rose Wether, how about you?"



Confused, but under her grandmother's stern eyes, Rose Weiser finally chose to submit.

"That's fine."

The momentum disappeared, and Gerndal smiled again.

Tianluo and the daughters were speechless for a while, this grandmother's face-changing work was really well-fired.

"It's been a long time since today, and I should almost leave."

"Mrs. Gerndal, I've got people ready for your accommodation. Let me take you there."

"Then there is work, Princess Canna."

After a polite turn, Gerndal greeted the crowd, and then entered the teleportation team with Zhi Cang Na and went to the accommodation that C Zhi Na was arranged for her.

At this time, the atmosphere in the VIP room was a bit stiff--

"I'm sorry, Lias, heavens, I'm really sorry!"

Bending down, Roswiss felt embarrassed and kept apologizing.

This step has completely exceeded her expectations, but in the final analysis, it is her own self-sustainment.

"Rossweiser, I said that you are my dependent, and we will help you unconditionally, no matter what the difficulties."

"Besides, how happy it is to be able to date you with someone."

He calmed Rose Weiser, while Lias said sourly.

I know that Lias actually still has some snacks, but to deal with the princess of the Greymore family, Tianluo has arrived, and it will be good to "consolate" her at night. Now, I will deal with Rose Weiss first. ——

"Although the situation is a little weird, but can you date me tomorrow, beautiful Miss Roseweather?"

Going to Rose Weiser, the heavenly gentleman invited Tao.

Knowing that Tianluo was taking care of her own face, Rosemiser was both ashamed and moved:


To be continued ...

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