Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 491: Stunning Rose Weiser


In the room, Ubeluna is fixing her hairstyle for Tianluo, and two daughters, Lias and Zhu Nai, are carefully dressing for Tianluo.

Today is the day when Tianluo and Rose Weisser go out on a date, I still have to take care of this guy to be handsome.

"I have to help my engagement partner go on a date with other women, what has my life become ..."

Tie down the sky, the princess of the Greymore family sighed.

Both Ube Luna and Zhu Nai can't help but be amused.

"Liyas, may I comfort you again?"

He stroked Li Yasi's beautiful face and laughed.

"I don't want your comfort."

His face flushed, and Lias returned angrily.

She or Zhu Nai, but last night were all "comforted" so hard to survive!

"Okay, let's go out, too, and Rose Weiser should be ready by the end."

Clapped his hands, Zhu Nai also said.

Already ready, Tian Luo and Li Yasi's girls also left the room.

"No, it's worthy of being an adult."

"Union sauce ..."

Seeing the sky falling, they came out, and the girls enjoying refreshments in the hall couldn't help blinking their eyes.

Just as men will appreciate the beauty of women, the higher the beauty, the more popular they are. In fact, women are the same, and the beauty of the sky is almost the highest among men.

"not bad."

The adult who was sipping black tea gave Tianluo a glance, and there was a slight fluctuation in his eyes, and then he said lightly.

Even Cangna said so, it seemed really good, and someone was a little proud with a grin.

Not long after, Rose Weiser walked out of his room.

Looking at the familiar but unfamiliar figure, there was a silence in the hall first, and then the incredible exclamation of the girls--

"Is this really Miss Rose Weiss ..."

"Although I knew Rose Weiser was a beauty before, I have never felt this amazing now."

"Teacher Rose Weiser is really hidden!"

As soon as you said something to me, the girls couldn't help but be amazed for a while, and looking at Rose Weiser at the moment, even if she read the countless heavens, she was a little lost.

No longer the usual plain sportswear, Rother Weiser replaced it with a fashionable women's windbreaker, and the bottom is stockings and pants with boots and lotus skirts. A beautiful silver invention was carefully trimmed, and lip balm was applied to the lips, and it looked like it was exuding a moisturizing luster.

If Rose Roser was just a rustic girl in the past, she is now a trendy girl!

"Big, don't look at me like this ..."

He lowered his head, and Rose Weiser was embarrassed by everyone.

"Rose Wether, you are really beautiful today."

Stepped forward, Tianluo said.

"Neither, nor ..."

Rose Weiser was even more ashamed.

"Now that you're ready, let's go. Today is a date for both of you."

"Although your situation is a bit special, dating is dating, and you have to take care of Rose Weiser a little bit."

"In addition, you can play anywhere during the day, but remember to come back before dark, and we will have a meeting at night to discuss the matter of going to the underworld."

Li Yasi ordered a double turn to the two, and Tianluo and Rose Weiss also nodded.

"I see, then we set off."

Say hello to Dajia, and under the watchful eyes of the daughters in the house, Tianluo and Rose Weisser walked out of God's Night House and began their dating journey.

"Well, **** it, one after another!"

"Levilla sauce, Ernie sauce and Miss Rosweller just pretend to be dating, it's not true."

"Stupid little fox, haven't you heard what it means to be a fake?"

"Abominable, abominable, I went back to the room!"

"Levilla sauce, wait for me ..."

Looking at Levier and Jiuzhong who ran back to the room, Lias couldn't help showing a helpless grin.

Although Tianluo and Rose Weisser's date is just acting, it is not true, but as Levy said, even if it is not true, Tianluo will make it real!

The bad guy in Tianluo has been following Rose Weiser for a long time and wants to wipe her out with her relatives. Wouldn't Lias know?

"Jenovia, Irina, don't bother Tianluo and Rose Weisser today."

He sighed, and Lias said to the two men, who were wearing masks and caps as they were about to sneak away.

"Ha ... hahaha ..."

"I was found ..."


Leaving the house, Tianluo walked down the street with Rose Weisser.

"Roseway, give me your hand."

Said while walking down the sky.

Although a little puzzled, Rose Weisser handed her hand to the sky.

With a slight smile, Tian Luo also raised one hand, and held it with Rose Weiser.

"Woo ..."

With a stiff body, Rose Weiser was obviously a little flustered.

"do not move."

"We are dating as couples now. If we don't even hold hands, how can we be like couples?"

"Senior Genda may be monitoring us with magic now, don't show anomalies."

The condensate was in a line, and Tian Luo's voice sounded in Rose Weiser's ear, and Rose Weiser did not dare to move anymore.

"So, okay ..."

This was the first time that she had been so close to the opposite sex, and Rose Weiser was ashamed, but thinking that his grandmother might really be watching them, Rose Weiser could only choose to cooperate.

Feeling the girl's delicate and silky jade hand, the corner of Tianluo's mouth also slightly raised an arc.

Although Rose Weisser is a very good Valkyrie, and she is also very clever and rigorous, she really seems to be a little white in these matters between men and women.

Don't let yourself be such an old driver to conquer her!

"Today you are my Royal Highness. Do you want to do anything and where do you want to go?"

Tianluo asked.

"I want to go to Tokyo."

It seemed to gradually get used to it, and it was not as nervous as it was at first, and Rose Weiser thought about it and answered.

"Is it Tokyo? Not far, then let's go to Tokyo."

Komagome Town is only a few tens of kilometers away from Tokyo. It can be reached in ten minutes by flying with the strength of Rose Weisser and Tianluo. If you use [Space Jump], it will be an instant.

However, today is a date between the two, and it is the fun to taste the various journeys, so in the end, the two still intend to ride by tram in the usual way ...

To be continued ...

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